The wait command in Bash is a built-in function that halts the execution of the current shell until the specified jobs have finished. It then returns the exit status of the command for which it was waiting. This command plays a crucial role in the shell execution environment, and as such,...
Here’s a comprehensive example of using the wait command in advanced bash scripting. The script below contains two processes, each having a unique pid. Now, the script is to run the processes in the background. The first command has a $process_id ($1). Also, the wait command is linke...
Hopefully, the examples helped you learn how to use thewaitcommand in bash scripts and what output to expect when working with single and multiple background processes. Next, use ourBash Functionguide to reduce repetitive code and speed up your scripting, or check out our ultimateBash commandsgu...
在上述脚本中,我们使用了wait命令等待pid1和pid2两个进程执行完毕后,输出"所有进程已完成"。 示例二:获取进程退出状态 #!/bin/bashecho"开始执行脚本"# 后台运行进程1sleep3&pid1=$!# 后台运行进程2sleep4&pid2=$!# 等待所有进程完成,并获取退出状态wait$pid1$pid2status1=$?status2=$?if[$status1-eq...
The general syntax of the Wait command in Linux is: wait [option] ID ID would be a process ID or Job ID. Explaining Bash Wait Command in Linux: First, create a file by using the touch command: $ Make this file executable by using the below command: ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于bash 循环 wait的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及bash 循环 wait问答内容。更多bash 循环 wait相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
wait is a command that waits for the given jobs to complete and returns the exit status of the waited for command.
Well, here's the answer. Normally, bash would wait for an ongoing process or command to return an exit code before it picks the next one in the sequence. However, this can be manipulated using an ampersand. The trick is simply to add an ampersand to the command line. You will have so...
Linux@VirtualBox:~bash./ First task Second task Background process Third task Example # 2: Using a Wait Command for Bash Multiple Processes. As the earlier bash script uses the wait command for the single process, we are using the wait command in the bash script for multiple process...
/bin/bash # creating simple process that will create file and write into it cat> GEEKSFORGEEKS.txt <<<"Something is going to save into this file" thiswill store the process id of the running process # $!isa special variableinbash