For women, ideal waist size is less than 80cm (32 inches) or a waist-to-hip ratio that is equal to or less than 0.8. For men, the ideal waist size is less than 94cm (37 inches) or a waist-to-hip ratio that is equal to or less than 1.0. 30days™ WAISTLINE helps you sh...
If your waistline measures more than 37ins (94cm) for men or 32ins (80cm) for women, it's too wide and putting your health in danger.However, losing just two inches from around this area will slash your risk of early death by an impressive 60% - as well as ensuring your clothes ...
If your waistline measures more than 37ins (94cm) for men or 32ins (80cm) for women, it's too wide and putting your health in danger.However, losing just two inches from around this area will slash your risk of early death by an impressive 60% - as well as ensuring your clothes ...
Ashwell has proposed that governments adopt a simple public health message: “Keep your waist to less than half your height.” That means someone who is 5 foot 5 (65 inches; 167.64 centimeters) should maintain a waistline smaller than 33 inches or 84 centimeters. ...