Wechsler 智能测试 WAIS-IV 评分与解释指南说明书
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The editors and chapter authors have exclusive access to proprietary WAIS–IV data to run advanced analyses and provide information beyond what is offered in the WAIS-IV manual. Key Features Provides practical advice on scoring and administration Facilitates understanding WAIS-IV use with special ...
内容提示: Wais Administration And Scoring ManualIf you are looking for the book Wais administration and scoring manual in pdf form, then you've come to thecorrect site. We presented complete version of this book in txt, DjVu, doc, PDF, ePub formats. You may readonline Wais administration ...
WAIS-IV Clinical Use and InterpretationRaiford, S. E., Coalson, D. L., Saklofske, D. H., & Weiss, L. G. (2010). Practical issues in WAIS-IV administration and scoring. In L. G. Weiss, D. H. Saklofske, D. Coalson & S. E. Raiford (Eds.), WAIS-IV clinical use and ...
Standard scoring methods for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) require that all core subtests be used to compute index scores, yet it is possible to prorate certain indices using a reduced number of subtests. The purpose of this study is to explore differences in...