Wechsler 智能测试 WAIS-IV 评分与解释指南说明书
A Pilot Investigation of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) Subtest Profiles in Adults with Specific Learning DisordersGontkovsky, Samuel T.Golden, Charles J.North American Journal of Psychology
Used as a general test the intelligence, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale –Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) was developed to assess cognitive ability for adults. This instruments aids in examining the relationship between intellectual functional and memory. A common purpose fo...
The WAIS®-IV assessment is appropriate for use with persons aged 16 to 90. It’s the most extensively used IQ test in the world. The latest version of the test, the WAIS®-IV, which was introduced in 2008, consists of ten core subtests and five additional subtests. Our app is ...
The WAIS®-IV assessment is appropriate for use with persons aged 16 to 90. It’s the most extensively used IQ test in the world. The latest version of the test, the WAIS®-IV, which was introduced in 2008, consists of ten core subtests and five additional subtests. Our app is ...
Chapter 2 - Understanding and Using Multivariate Base Rates with the WAIS–IV/WMS–IV Brian L. Brooks, Grant L. Iverson and James A. Holdnack Pages 75-102 Purchase View chapter View abstract Select Chapter 3 - Understanding Index and Subtest Scatter in Healthy Adults Book chapterAbstract only...
But if the subtest level reliability is calculated by randomly dividing the subtests items into odd or even numbered items, why not calculate the full-scale IQ reliability by dividing the subtests into odd or even numbered subtests? The WAIS-IV might be an extremely reliable measure of how ...
This study presents a short form of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV; Wechsler, 2008) using the subtests (Block Design, Similarities, Digit Span, Arithmetic, Information, Coding, and Picture Completion) suggested by Ward (1990). These seven subtests were used to pr...
The present exploratory study aimed to examine the potential impact of culture on cognitive skills and intelligence by comparing the Japanese Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV) (JW) subtests, IQs, and index scores to those of the U.S. WAIS-IV (USW). Method JW raw scores corresp...
IntroducingtheWAIS–IV Copyright©2008PearsonEducation,inc.oritsaffiliates.Allrightsreserved. Overview •Introduction •RevisionGoals •TestStructure •Normative/Validity/ClinicalInformation Copyright©2008PearsonEducation,inc.oritsaffiliates.Allrightsreserved. ...