同时,史奎尔在电贝斯的技术创新上有着杰出的表现,像是运用颤音(tremolo)、哇哇器(wah-wah pedal)等。由布鲁佛与 … baike.baidu.com|基于18个网页 2. 踏板 ...mett 最为人熟知的弹奏形式是广泛地运用"哇哇"踏板(wah-wah pedal)於吉他独奏中,他曾说过 "哇哇 就是我个性的延伸"(… ...
wah wah pedal "哇哇"踏板(连接在电子吉他上,可使吉他产生颤音) to pedal 蹬车 hard pedal 笨踏板 treadle pedal 踏板 pedal cyclist 骑自行车者 pedal drive 足踏传动 pedal pin 踏板销 pedal roller 天平罗拉 pedal stop 踏板停止器 foot pedal 脚踏开关 相似...
wah-wah pedal “wah-wah pedal”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. "哇哇"踏板(连接在电子吉他上,可使吉他产生颤音) 相关词语 wahwahpedal
Wah Pedal — Wah-Wah A guitar effects device where a bandpass filter is varied in frequency by means of a pedal control. Wah-wah pedal (classic Vox V845 model)
wah-wah pedal "哇哇"踏板(连接在电子吉他上,可使吉他产生颤音)相关短语 frequency conversion (电子的) 变频 gravity model method (电子运动) 重力模型法 spike (电子束焊的) 局部深熔,局部深熔 Europe type (电子管) 欧洲式型号 hangers (电解极板上的) 挂耳 intensifier ring (电子束管) 增强环 pellet ...
A guitar effects device where a bandpass filter is varied in frequency by means of a pedal control. Wah-wah pedal (classic Vox V845 model)Readers' Ads View all ads Create free ad Sign Up TO SOS Newsletters Latest SOS Videos The Secrets Of Pink Floyd’s Quadraphonic PA Trinnov NOVA User ...
EBS Stanley Clarke 签名Wah Wah pedal用户手册说明书 USERS MANUAL S AMPLE S OUND S ETTINGS The following examples below show a few of the many sonic possibilities of the EBS Stanley Clarke signature wah pedal.CLASSIC WAH FUNKY WAH FREAKY WAH MY PERSONAL SOUND T h a n k y o u f o r p...
However, EHX’s most versatile and coolest wah pedal may just be theCock Fight Plus Talking Wah & Fuzz. It’s got the built-in fuzz that we all love EHX for, which you can set at pre or post-wah for very different effects. Even cooler, you can switch the wah between a “classic...
WAH PEDAL SPEC Features 控制旋钮 旋钮: Depth 效果器开关 效果开/关(脚踏开关)、吉他/贝斯模式(滑动开关)、Buffered/真实旁路(拨档开关) 所需电流 所需电流:12mA@9V 电源:一个 9 伏电池或外部 DC 9 伏交流适配器 VIDEOS Ibanez WH10V3 哇音踏板 - 演示:Kazuki Isogai ...
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