谁曾想陕西北路新闸路口的Doner Kebab向西移到了一个更大面积店铺,原本的街角底商店面开出了一家汉堡店:神和牛Kami Wagyu Burger,那本人#SHburgerman肯定得走着瞧瞧。 恰逢店家开门营业第一天,也是缘分。在去年#SHburgermonth里表现优异的 Char Char Bistro 隔壁开汉堡店不是没做商业调查就是准备足够充分,显然有着...
The herd at Kahlig Ranches Wait, you might be asking yourself, what's the difference between Fullblood and Purebred Wagyu cattle raised domestically? About 7% of their genetics. That slight difference in genetic tissue may very well impact the beef itself and provide a place of comparison for ...