According to theOnline Etymology Dictionary, the term‘Salary’meaning ‘compensation, payment’ first appeared in the English language in Britain in the late thirteenth century. It came from Anglo-FrenchSalarie, which evolved from the Old FrenchSalaire‘reward, pay, wages’, which originated from t...
Uncle is, of course, linked by their subconsciouses with unco, a Scottish word meaning strange, uncanny, weird, this indicating that their own fathers were strangers to them. All come from homes where the father was missing or weak, a phenomenon regrettably common in our culture. “I never...
Uncle is, of course, linked by their subconsciouses with unco, a Scottish word meaning strange, uncanny, weird, this indicating that their own fathers were strangers to them. All come from homes where the father was missing or weak, a phenomenon regrettably common in our culture. “I never...