Google Share on Facebook wage scale (redirected fromWage Scales) Dictionary Financial </>embed</> sliding scale scale of meas... scale ordered series graduated table wage schedule wage scale noun Synonyms for wage scale nouna schedule of wages paid for different jobs ...
Column [4] indicates a loss of approximately 1 GCSE point per pupil in value added in response to a 10% increase in the wage gap, which is equivalent to dropping one GCSE grade in one subject or around a 2% average fall at the mean of 44 points. Column [6] indicates a fall of ...
to the pay scales of the two ranks of the Assessor grade, pay scale reviews of the other grades would be taken forward [...] 當局已調整評稅主任職系內兩個 職級的薪級,至於其他職系的薪級, 將會 根據檢討公務員薪級 的現行機制進行檢討。 The 177 new posts inc...