Blair to introduce minimum wage for 16-year-oldsCatherine MacLeod Political editor
During the school year, working full-time typically is not possible or permissible for teenagers. It also isn't advisable, as this would detract from a student's ability to succeed in school. However, part-time workers are more likely to earn minimum-wage paychecks, so teens may want to c...
Second, the reform raised the youth minimum wage in two annual steps from 60% to 80% of the adult minimum, and resulted in a 41% increase in the minimum wage for 16 and 17 year-olds over a two-year period. We estimate the impact of this reform by comparing average outcomes for ...
The impact of introducing a national minimum wage for 16 and 17 year olds on employment and education outcomes This paper examines the effects of a minimum wage on wage inequality and employment outcomes in China's urban minority regions and whether those effects va... C Frayne,A Goodman 被引...
Pacheco and Cruickshank (2007) document that increasing the minimum wage has a statistically significant negative effect on teenagers’ school enrollment rate, but they find no significant impact on the enrollment rate of 20–24-year-olds. The 18 cities are Detroit, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Chicago, ...
aWherever they work, sixteen and seventeen-year-olds can find themselves used as cheap labor, picking things up off floors, fetching and carrying. Some are paid a reasonable wage but it is quite possible to be paid only 无论哪里他们运作,十六和十七年olds可能发现自己使用作为廉价劳力,采摘事地板...
Our focus on 30–50-year-olds means that our sample is atypically committed to remaining in the labor force, whether employed or unemployed. Consequently, we have almost no sorting out of the sample due to workers exiting the labor force. Across all the samples we define next, sample ...
Some say that a higher minimum wage also has more subtle costs. In another new study*** Messrs Neumark and Wascher argue that it makes American 16-19-year-olds more likely to leave school. And youngsters who have already left school, whether or not they had jobs before minimum wages rose...
Although the disemployment effects for 14- to 16-year-olds lack precision, teens who commit crime also experience the strongest disemployment effects. OLS estimates on employment become more negative and precise when limited to individuals who ever commit crime. 21 Full time is defined as greater...
ah but see, Michigan sorta fixed that by making the min for 16 and 17 yr olds $8.20 v. $9.65 for everyone else. So you see more teens in the part time jobs, but not as many as when it was the actual national minimum, Nor do you see as many people over all. Less cashiers, lo...