Wacom Cintiq 16 15.6 英寸高清抗眩光屏幕与可靠的压感笔,适合忙碌的教学环境。 立即购买 Wacom 新帝 22 22 英寸全高清屏幕意味着可让用户舒适工作的更大屏幕空间,还有无需电池的压感笔以及可调式支架。 立即购买 DTH-2452 令人惊艳的 24 英寸多点触控屏幕,具有直观的操作特性、画面呈现性能以及无需电池...
Wacom Cintiq 16 Drawing Tablet with Full HD 15.4-Inch Display Screen, 8192 Pressure Sensitive Pro Pen 2 Tilt Recognition, Compatible with Mac OS Windows and All Pens 2,826.59Dh + Free ShippingAdd to cart OverviewSpecsReviews (7)Warranty & Returns...
Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 意作和鸣,一笔入魂 专为随心所动的创作流程而设计。 全新性能突破,激发创造力 了解更多信息 创意无界 无论何时何地,你都能使用 Wacom MobileStudio Pro 展开创作。利用其出色的显示器、性能强大且可靠的压感笔以及更强大的运算能力,让你享受真正的创作独立性。
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Cintiq 新帝 16数位屏具备72%NTSC色域显示,1920 x 1080分辨率屏幕。具有8192级别压感,配套无源触控笔。相比Cintiq Pro 16,新品的定位要更低一些,适合作为从数位板向数位屏过渡的用户选用。 展开 相关笔记 今天玩完了审判之逝,致敬一下横滨蝙蝠侠吧! 玩机小胖 选购指南 提及当前商品 数位板怎么选适合自己的?
When I using my Wacom tablet and click on the scrollbar (the actual slider, not the area above or below), the cursor gets locked onto it and I can't exit. When this happens the pen only slides the page up and down and can't select anything, it's like it needs an 'unclick' in...
Wacom 产品 Wacom 创意产品 - 数位屏 自然的屏上创意体验, 如同您的感官的延伸。 了解更多 数位屏 随时提供自然感受。 从笔触效果的轻微差别,到毡头明显的粗线条,Wacom 数位笔一应俱全。 了解更多 Cintiq Pen Displays Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen....
If you want to bump up to the Wacom Cintiq 16, which features higher pressure levels, a built-in stand, and overall better build quality than the Wacom One line, you'll have to fork over $799.95. If you were dead set on buying a Wacom tablet, this would be the one I would suggest...
细节上CINTIQ的东西做的也是十分出色,美工槽,按键的触感,LED灯 表现的都十分到位 笔的握持感也不错,送的包胶适合手比较粗大的老外使用,2048压感,并且支持倾斜感应 连接完毕,蹬蹬蹬蹬 从WACOM中国官网下载安装相应驱动 完毕后,可以通过Wacom Tablet Properties作一些相应设置,常用快捷键,橡皮擦,笔尖灵敏度,笔的按钮等...
The Wacom Intuos offers beginners everything that is expected from a graphics tablet, including software for digital drawing, photo editing, comic drawing such as Corel® Painter® Essentials™ 6 ,Corel® Aftershot™ 3 , Clip Studio Paint Pro,