还是从Wacom网站下载一个新版本的驱动,不要用光盘装。另外,看看是不是安装了什么优化软件或者关闭了系统的一些服务,导致不能正常运行安装程序 。
The current driver supports macOS 13 (Ventura). Note that due to reasons outside of Wacom’s control, opening Wacom Tablet Settings by clicking links in Wacom Center, pressing an ExpressKey, or using a 5-finger tap, etc. does not work in initial releases of macOS 13 Ventura. This inconven...
CTE-630BT - Graphire 3 Wireless My fixedGraphire 4driver (v5.3.0-3) supports these tablets: CTE-440, CTE-640 - Graphire 4 And my fixedIntuos 3andCintiqdriver (v6.3.15-3) supports these tablets: PTZ-430, PTZ-630, PTZ-630SE, PTZ-631W, PTZ-930, PTZ-1230, PTZ-1231W - Intuos 3...
I have had this Tablet for the past four days and 'am unable to use the Software that came along with it. I tried to install the driver from the driver cd and it wouldn't load in my laptop ( toshiba protege A 200). I downloaded the driver from the Wacom website and that helped ...
So I recently picked up an older Wacom Wireless Graphire Pen Tablet (CTE-630BT) and I have not been able to set it up on Mavericks 10.9.2. I have been able to get the express keys to work, but the pen has not been detected. I have tried installing many of the given legacy ...
http://us.wacom.com/en/feeldriver/ 有一点小bug, sai里小圆点会消失 ,不过这都不算事,推荐升级。 分享回复1 wacom吧 1499haha 网页上安装的驱动还是提示是旧版,为什么 分享2赞 wacom吧 鹿柃w 【求助】CTL-660,没有笔压/驱动问题我的是CTL-660,已下载驱动,画画正常,但没有笔压。 -打开wacom桌面中心...
如需更多产品使用信息(包括产品说 193 wacom吧 咔咔吃个鸡腿💦 驱动安装 反复安装卸载驱动有5遍了,还是不成功,电脑是windows10的系统,板子是影拓pth660ko的, 1231 win8平板吧 新垣結衣🌈 用m80ta的同学们有福啦 wacom最新驱动支持sai 边缘也有改善 不是很漂了。 http://us.wacom.com/en/feeldriver/ 有...