Osler holds simulated hearings. One student takes the role of the district attorney and another takes the role of the state prosecutor. Other students might play a police officer or a witness. Once or twice a year, Professor Serr plays the judge in one of Baylor’s four courtrooms. ...
I had a mom and a dad who loved me a whole lot. I had some great coaches at Robinson. We got pulled over by the police one time for egging people on Halloween.’ What they are looking for is — a lot of people gravitate to this field because of occurrences...
Since all 911 calls are preserved, it seems that it would be easy to confirm this phone call, but as Current Affair reporter Mary Garafolo stated, “It has become a controversial recording that the police refuse to release to the press.” There was absolutely no response to that emergency 9...
And then, looking into the future, just the whole process of trying to confirm someone was positive and if they did get a vaccine. It becomes really almost impossible to police that at the front door. At the present time we are not allowing people, even if they say they’ve had COVID...