Transition: Wackenhut becomes G4S.(SECURITY)(G4S Secure Solutions USA)(Brief article)Vogel, Mike
Wackenhut provides security personnel for many prisons, nuclear facilities, and military installations within the U.S. They also furnish staff for many U.S. Embassies around the world. Official Website: Ticker:(private) ...
Wackenhut to Test Security at Nuclear Plants.Deals with the preparations being made by the nuclear-power industry and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for new security exercises at nuclear power plants in the country.Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition...
On February 1, 1965, WSI obtained the government contract to provide security services for the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)[2]at certain locations in Southern Nevada, principally at the Nevada Test Site. On February 1, 1965, WSI took over the operation from the previous contractor,*542Federal...
Wackenhut Puerto Rico Inc Yaurel Security Services Inc Your Security ‹ 上一頁|下一頁 › 發表回應前,請先登入 語言🌐 简体中文繁體中文EnglishPortuguese, InternationalРусскийEspañol Series Websites 商業指南庫 美國 企業名錄 阿拉伯文 (阿拉伯聯合大公國) 企業名錄 ...
Focuses on Wackenhut Corp.'s selection of Diego Saenz to become its chief information officer. Responsibilities given to Saenz as chief information officer; Challenge for Saenz to help support Wackenhut's double-digit revenue growth.HoffmanThomasEBSCO_AspComputerworld...
Concern about terrorist raids renews interest in security countermeasures. (Wackenhut Corp.'s security services)
with the Local Corporation of the Year award by the Florida Regional Minority Business Council. The company has demonstrated its commitment to minority purchasing, technical and managerial assistance and sponsorship of minority programs.EBSCO_bspSecurity Solutions for Enterprise Security Leaders...
Danish Security Firm Buys out Wackenhut
Wackenhut Nuclear Services.(services and management of security services industry)(Brief article)LongmoreEtheridge, Ann