1.公司背景介绍 WACHENDORFF总部位于德国勒茵兰-普法尔茨州的Geisenheim市,并在美国、中国和意大利等地设立了分支机构,为客户提供更好的服务体验。公司拥有完整的研发、设计、制造和销售团队,在工业自动化控制系统方面具备强大实力。 2.产品系列介绍 WACHENDORFF主要生产旋转式编码器和线性式编码器两种类型产品,广泛应用于各...
wachendorff增量型編碼器 WDG58B-1024-ABN 產品, 中國. 德國沃申道夫Wachendorff品牌由Rolf Wachendorff(沃申道夫) 于1978年11月17日在德國的Geisenheim創建,至今已有30多年的發展進程。德國沃申道夫Wachendorff自動化公司為客戶提供堅固的工業元件及智能化系統,專用在高
Wachendorff is a well-known German manufacturer of encoders, measuring systems and industrial instruments. It is headquartered in Geisenheim, a town west of Wiesbaden in the Rhineland region of Hessen, Germany. Since the company was founded in 1978, Wachendorff has been specializing in the research...
celebration is to be seen as a thank-you to his employees, and at the same time he is looking forward to many more years of cooperation in a spirit of partnership, because in recent years the basis for a successful future of the Wachendorff Group has been created at the Geisenheim ...
德国Wachendorff(沃申道夫)品牌由Rolf Wachendorff(沃申道夫) 于1978年11月17日在德国的Geisenheim创建,至今已有20多年的发展进程。德国Wachendorff(沃申道夫)自动化公司为客户提供坚固的工业元件及智能化系统,*在*的测量位移、角度及方向的工业场合中。优异坚固的工业级Wachendorff(沃申道夫)编码器的正常质保期为五年,远远...
1990年:迁入Industriestrasse 7,Geisenheim的新地址,新厂房于2007年完工。 2004年:通过DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 和DIN EN ISO 14001:2005质量管理和环境保护体系认证。 2005年:编码器业务被拆分到新的子公司 Wachendorff Automation独立运营。 2007年:Wachendorff 作为成功的创新型公司被选中来主持德国“创想之国365地标”...
The location in 65366 Geisenheim, Industriestr. 7 is home of the management, research & development, warehouse & logistics, production and all central services, such as human resources, accounting, controlling, marketing, etc. The internal sales force and technical support for Germany and Europe ar...
celebration is to be seen as a thank-you to his employees, and at the same time he is looking forward to many more years of cooperation in a spirit of partnership, because in recent years the basis for a successful future of the Wachendorff Group has been created at the G...