单人战役 WA2000可以在“Loose Ends”中从敌人狙击手身上缴获获得。该关卡的军械库中也有WA2000。 多人联机 WA2000在多人联机部分需要玩家达到36级解锁。 这把狙击步枪在本作中的定位比较特殊。WA2000对身体命中的加成只有1.5倍的加成部分,意味着玩家是否选择Stopping Power技能对该武器一枪毙命范围判定没有影响。默...
s=19 强烈建议关注作者的推特账号以获取第一时间的更新 Credits WA2000 (Gun/Rig): morokko (https://bowlroll.net/file/257470) Background: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/the-smoking-room-2247ed77976a40b6ae81271cd6b149c8 Sounds: IW Music: Idealism - Nagashi 展开更多...
Wa2000: this is my wa2000. i havent been posting alot with school and everything but there should be more guns to come soon. this gun is a slingshot gun. it works the same as the rpg i made a while back and has the same power.this gun is alot of fun to u
I thought you guys could use a little more info on the gun so here it is. The rifle was produced from the late 70’s though November 1988. The final retail cost for a base rifle in 1988 was in the range of $9,000 not $12, 500 like you have written on your page. He said ...
Beer & Preztels-啤酒和椒盐卷饼(+2射程,备弹数降低,总弹夹容量-50),Venus & Mars-金星和火星(+1伤害,-1射程)。总而言之,你要玩“人肉战斗机”打法或者试图装逼,就用XMG。否则不建议你用,尤其是不要打近距离交火和Run & Gun。
The gun itself is centered around the barrel to achieve a compact size, a wooden frame forearm is attached on the bottom to cover the gas cylinder, while an aluminum alloy support beam is located on top. WA2000 is considered to be extremely accurate for a bullpup rifle, the barrel ...
不要看有内置钨头穿甲弹,穿透墙壁的能力和其他SMG一样,不给力。我记得我都没用过几次,能用的配置是加长弹夹+消音器,红点+握把,消音器+握把,握把+加长弹夹。不过我还用过热成像镜+握把的(移除Gun Kick,枪模和瞄具太糟糕)。总而言之,就是你用这把枪玩男友4没问题,玩Ghosts就被恶心到了。
这把枪的后坐力是中等,不过Gun Kick太高,外加丑到爆的造型和机瞄,配合上过高的Gun Kick,玩起来手感太糟糕。外加糟糕的装填时间,3秒的装填时间意味着这把枪不用快手很蛋疼,用了快手这把枪高达1111RPM(光棍节呵呵)的射速和与之不搭配的32发弹容量意味着子弹会很快耗空。我要不是为了黄金迷彩根本就不碰它。
Beer & Preztels-啤酒和椒盐卷饼(+2射程,备弹数降低,总弹夹容量-50),Venus & Mars-金星和火星(+1伤害,-1射程)。总而言之,你要玩“人肉战斗机”打法或者试图装逼,就用XMG。否则不建议你用,尤其是不要打近距离交火和Run & Gun。