WADP WADP_1. hwCapwapNoFragmentAlarm WADP_1. hwCapwapDiscardBroadcastAlarm WEB WLAN WADP WADP_1. hwCapwapNoFragmentAlarm WADP_1. hwCapwapDiscardBroadcastAlarm Пе...
report-interval命令用来配置AP向指定WMI服务器上报KPI指标信息的周期。 undo report-interval命令用来恢复AP向指定WMI服务器上报KPI指标信息的周期为缺省值。 缺省情况下,AP向指定WMI服务器上报KPI指标信息的周期为60秒。 命令格式 report-interval interval undo report-interval 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 interval 上报...
昨天,愚人节。南京石头城小区一些居民发现一张张落款为南京市“石头城居委会”的停水通知单,贴遍整个小区。于是,小区1700多户人家,几乎每家每户都接了很多水备用,导致家家户户“水”满为患,叫苦不迭。令人惊讶的是,这竟然是两名五年级的小女孩愚人节上演的一则闹剧。 停水通知引起麻烦 昨天上午,记者来到石头城...
The mill comprises a lower part 1 of the casing, which is fixed, by means of springs 2 to the foundations 3 and an upper part 4 pivot upwards about the axis i. the free ends 6b of the flanges 6a of a frame 6 in the bearings 8 of the mounting of the pressure roller 7 on the...