Neil R. Sarles is a 1972 graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo, and a 1975 graduate of the University of Toledo School of Law, in Toledo, Ohio. In the 1970s Neil worked for Ralph Nader to establish a public interest research group (PIRG) in New York. As a law st...
dedications and the elements of the Land Development Act, RCW 58.19 2. Federal and State Law a. Federal Fair Housing laws and anti-discrimination statutes (e.g., affect on advertising, business practices). Washington State law against discrimination, Chapter 49.60 RCW ...
1 . Demonstrate an understanding of the legal and regulatory environment affecting real estate l icensees in the state. 2. Describe any specific duties imposed on l icensees bythe state of Washington in regards to becoming a l icensee including prohibitions described in RCW 18.85.361 (Ground...