Since the very first SDK release, OpMode crashes have put the robot into "EMERGENCY STOP" state, only showing the first line of the exception, and requiring the user to press "Restart Robot" to continue Exceptions during an OpMode now open a popup window with the same color scheme as the...
[AP-isp-cams]domain default enable ias (5)配置无线接口,DOT1X认证方式为EAP(对应的端口安全认证方式为userlogin-secure-ext) [AP]interface WLAN-BSS2 # 配置无线端口WLAN-BSS2的端口安全模式为userlogin-secure-ext。 [AP-WLAN-BSS2]port-security port-mode userlogin-secure-ext ...
结合EAD的安全理念以及企业网目前网络架构,H3C公司推出WA2200无线局域网EAD方案。H3C公司EAD安全理念结WA2200无线局域网以及CAMS服务器,可以是实现802.1x、Portal以及扩展Portal认证方式,在企业网出口处对网络用户的端点准入控制。 1.2 特性优点 作为一种结合企业网络现有架构,为企业量身定做的WA2200无线局域网端点准入方案...
SSTV LIVE SSTV CAMS:USASSTV PROGRAMSSSTV SOFTWAREState Police District Quick FinderStorm Prediction Center Convective (N9ABF)___- T -Tarheel Antennas/online_salesTelnet Access to DX Packet ClustersTerra Server-USA THE HAM STATION HOME...
Since the very first SDK release, Op Mode crashes have put the robot into "EMERGENCY STOP" state, only showing the first line of the exception, and requiring the user to press "Restart Robot" to continue Exceptions during an Op Mode now open a popup window with the same color scheme as...
1.1.25 state(ISP domain view)【命令】state { active | block }undo state【视图】ISP域视图【缺省级别】2:系统级【参数】active:指定当前ISP域处于活动状态,即系统允许该域下的用户请求网络服务。block:指定当前ISP域处于“阻塞”状态,即系统不允许该域下的用户请求网络服务。
state { active | block }缺省情况下,本地用户处于活动状态,即允许该用户请求网络服务。(6) (可选)设置使用当前本地用户名接入设备的最大用户数。access-limit max-user-number缺省情况下,不限制使用当前本地用户名接入的用户数。由于FTP/SFTP/SCP用户不支持计费,因此FTP/SFTP/SCP用户不受此属性限制。
Since the very first SDK release, OpMode crashes have put the robot into "EMERGENCY STOP" state, only showing the first line of the exception, and requiring the user to press "Restart Robot" to continue Exceptions during an OpMode now open a popup window with the same color scheme as the...
Prevents incorrect DS UI state changes when receiving new OpMode list from RC Adds support for REV Color Sensor V3 Adds a manual-refresh DS Camera Stream for remotely viewing RC camera frames. To show the stream on the DS, initialize but do not run a stream-enabled opmode, select the Cam...
· 选择该用户所关联的接入服务为“Dot1x auth”;· 本配置页面中还有其它服务配置选项,请根据实际情况选择配置;· 单击<确定>按钮完成操作。图1-17 增加接入用户(2) 配置RADIUS server(iMC PLAT 5.0)下面以iMC为例(使用iMC版本为:iMC PLAT 5.0(E0101)、iMC UAM 5.0(E0101)、iMC CAMS 5.0(E0101)),说明...