A new antifungal antibiotics, WA, was isolated from the secondary metabolites of soilfungus strain 38, and its structure was elucidated as 4- (2- hydroxy- 3 -butynoxy)benzoic acid bymeans of the spectral data (H-and C-NMR, DEPT, H-H COSY, H-13C COSY, HMBC).Jun YANGDepartment of ...
0260/--64HeadofCenterOffice,SecretaryDeptyHeadofCentreOffice,StaffOffice,Staff51NOTE 755555MeetingArea,16people4UP57051855705195 5472046720472720482272049272051244444 Stair2666667205315555 417513033254130417541304387013043870130479103509161028504065300163028521004130346041302100413034504355 708314 A40-02-018 36251S6/ 0.0000 32059205023559...
60 Compa rison of glycine a nd c a rn i tine e f fec t i n n eonata l i sov a l eric ac i d emi a M. GABRI EL , A. W. BEHBEHANI* a nd D. H. HUNNEMAN*+ (Dept. of Pediatr i cs and +Phy s i ology, Un ivers i t y of <;ot t i n g e n , Humbold t...
P.A.L. PLAY AND LEARNING PROGRAM Health Dept. of Western Australia© 2003 W WH HA AT T Y YO OU U C CA AN N D DO O Make sure your child is getting lots of fun, active play to burn up energy such as running, climbing, ...
Hosp., Dept. of Peds., Cleveland, Ohi o Since 1980 we have obser ved an epidemic of AOM caused by Be ; 75%of strains produce beta- l act amase (BL+) . To det er mine cl in- ical significance of this infection , we studied phar yngeal colo - nizat ion, clinical pr esenta ...
Dept. of Environment and Conservation.Dannielle Hill - Shire of CarnarvonDavid Templeman MLA - former Minister for Environment; Climate change; Peel.Dennis Ford - Photos and maps of the Kimberley Derek Graham for the use of his photographs Don Copley for the use of many of his photographs....
AB 模拟量输出 1769-OF8C AB 模拟量输入 (AI)卡\1756-1F16\16点\进口 AB 模拟量输入 1769-IF8 AB 模拟量输入模块 1756-IF16 AB 逆变侧功率单元 MATCHED SET 3 SGCT: 81001-451-63-R AB 熔断器 1492-FB1J30-L万双贸易万双贸易但没体现型号 ...
After we receipt your Counter-signed S/C, Our sales transfer it to our production manger in our sales dept,supervise our production dept. team to send the Manufacture List to our Own factory and check specific with our manufacture department---ask fabric factory to ...
After we receipt your Counter-signed S/C, Our sales transfer it to our production manger in our sales dept,supervise our production dept. team to send the Manufacture List to our Own factory and check specific with our manufacture department---ask fabric factory to...