For the academic year 2022-2023, the school has a total enrollment of 52,319 and the students to faculty ratio is 21 to 1 (4.76%). UW's acceptance rate is 42.53% and the yield (enrollment rate) is 26.40%. UW ranked 91stinNational Universitiesand 2ndinWashington Collegesrankings. Universi...
Graduation Rate 94% (well above state median) Grades Served 9-12 Setting Mid-size City Charter School No Magnet School No Eligible for Title I Funding No District This information relates to high schools run by this school's state operating agency. Many districts conta...
500 in 1998,according to the Washington State Institute for Policy, a nonpartisan public research group based in Olympia. By 2016, Washington waslocking kids upfor truancy and other noncriminal acts atone of the highest ratesin the nation, according to the federal...
I would rate this school a zero if it were possible. Also, it took TWO MONTHS for them to even get to testing my child in the first place before placing my child in their horrible conditions, that's two months of school my child missed on top of them not even trying to provide ...
First, to provide students with a feedback tool that will help them to achieve academic success and improve their law school experience. Students who do not receive feedback or receive inadequate feedback should use the Professor Exam Review Form and accompanying documents to proactively and ...
47.660KNDL896BMBellinghamSDBellinghamSchool District - TransportationFMSchools 45.660WPWJ848BMBlaine SDBlaine SD - BusesFMSchools Western Washington University FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag 453.050KNEK689RMWWU PD DispPoliceFMNLaw Dispatch ...
Each restaurant serves fresh food without pre-cooked or frozen ingredients, giving their customers a delicious cooked meal at a speedy rate. Duchess serves meal combos with breakfast sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs, wraps, deli sandwiches, salads, and more. ...
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I would rate this school a zero if it were possible. Also, it took TWO MONTHS for them to even get to testing my child in the first place before placing my child in their horrible conditions, that's two months of school my child missed on top of them not even trying to provide adeq...