Individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC为个人或个人独资公司 C Corporation 普通公司 S Corporation 小型公司 Partnership 合伙公司 Trust/estate 信托公司 Limited liability company 有限责任公司 Address 地址 填写街号、公寓号 城市、州...
Individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC为个人或个人独资公司 C Corporation 普通公司 S Corporation 小型公司 Partnership 合伙公司 Trust/estate 信托公司 Limited liability company 有限责任公司 Address 地址 填写街号、公寓号 城市、州邮政号码 Part 1部分 个人或者个人独资公司需要填写社会安全卡号; 如果是...
1、W-9表填写 首先是填写个人的基本信息:姓名、地址等。2.在第二部分处填写SSN编号。3在第三部分就是签名和写上日期。
Federal tax classification.Line three indicates the individual or business type. This section has five options:individual/sole proprietoror asingle-member LLC;corporation(C corporS corp);limited liability company(partnership, C corp, or S corp); partnership; or trust/estate....
filed with your application.b. Sole proprietor or single-member LLC. Enter your individual name as shown on your 1040/1040A/1040EZ on line 1. You may enter your business, trade, or “doing business as” (DBA) name on line 2.c. Partnership, LLC that is not a single-member LLC, ...
Line 2. Business name (if different from line 1).For a business, this name must match the name entered on the legal entity formation documents unless it is an individual/sole proprietorship or single-member LLC (also known as a “disregarded entity” by the IRS). ...
In this section of the form, users are allowed to enter either their employer identification number (EIN) or social security number (SSN). Typically, entities filed as a corporation, partnership or multi-member LLC provide their EIN while those who filed as a single member LLC or sole proprie...
If you’re a sole proprietor or single-member LLC, you’ll want to provide your individual name like it’s shown on your 1040/1040A/1040EZ. You’ll enter your business, trade or “doing business as” (DBA) name on Line 2.
A common disregarded entity type is a single-memberlimited liability company(SMLLC).10Sole proprietorships and single-ownerS corporationsare similar in that income passes through to the single owner/shareholder, but they're not generally thought of as disregarded entities.111213 ...