W8-BEN是什么? 剪剪 2 人赞同了该文章 W-8BEN表格是美国国税局(IRS)的一种表格形式。 全称是Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for U.S. Tax Withholding。 谁需要填写W-8BEN表格? 1)W-8BEN用于申报非美国公民身份或居民身份,要求免除美国相关税收: 通常,非美国公民或居民必须以30%的税率对...
W-8BEN表格是美国国税局(IRS)的一种表格形式。 全称是Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for U.S. Tax Withholding。 谁需要填写W-8BEN表格? 1)W-8BEN用于申报非美国公民身份或居民身份,要求免除美国相关税收: 通常,非美国公民或居民必须以30%的税率对其“美国来源收入”缴纳美国税。 根据外国人...
The W8-BEN form is called the— “Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial for United States Tax Withholding.” In simple terms, the W8-BEN form is a legal tax document required by the IRS or the Internal Revenue Service in the United States of America in order to declare your tax sta...
The IRS requires that you fill out a W-8BEN if you are a "foreign person," and own assets or earn income that requires withholding. You as the payee provide this one-page form to the institution, such as a bank, that is the custodian of these assets. The form is also used when yo...
Note: T his form cannot be signed under a Power of Attorney (POA) unless the POA document specifically mentions that the agent/attorney is able to sign on tax matters or on tax forms (and a copy is provided, or held), or alternatively if an IRS Form 2848 is provided. * HSBC are...
是在国外一个网站上赚点零用钱,需要填写W8-BEN,交上去之后来了回复,说我缺少US Tax Identification 或者一个Foreign tax identifying number,前者我是没有的,教程上也说没有可以不填。后者是什么情况,我在哪里可以查到我的这个号码呢?(我这个大概不算对外贸易,打这个标签是因为这块懂的人可能会多点)原文: I unfo...
W8-BEN_Form 下载积分:300 内容提示: FormW-8BENᮣ(Rev. February 2006)Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue ServiceCertificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Ownerfor United States Tax WithholdingSection references are to the Internal Revenue Code.ᮣ See separate instructions.ᮣ Give this ...
缴纳个人所得税的中国公民,以公安部编制的 居民身份证 18位码为其“纳税人识别号”。不放心可以电话...
(Individuals) ▶ Forusebyindividuals.EntitiesmustuseFormW-8BEN-E. ▶ InformationaboutFormW-8BENanditsseparateinstructionsisat .irs.gov/formw8ben. ▶ Givethisformtothewithholdingagentorpayer.DonotsendtotheIRS. OMBNo.1545-1621 DoNOTusethisformif: Instead,useForm: ·YouareNOTanindividual...W-8B...
W8 BEN E 中文版 下载积分: 50000 内容提示: 表格W-8BEN-E (2014 年 2 月) 美国国税局财政部门 在美国课税目的下的最终受益人外国身份证明(法人) ▶仅供法人使用;个人须使用 W-8BEN 表格。▶对应章节请参考美国国内税收法。 ▶W-8BEN-E 表格信息及其个别说明书请参考:www.irs.gov/formw8bene。 ...