varmysql=require('mysql');varcon=mysql.createConnection({host:"localhost",user:"myusername",password:"mypassword",database:"mydb"});con.connect(function(err){if(err)throwerr;console.log("Connected!");//Make SQL statement:varsql="INSERT INTO customers (name, address) VALUES ?";//Make an...
4. Which SQL statement is used to delete data from a database? You answered: DELETE Correct Answer! 5. Which SQL statement is used to insert new data in a database? You answered: INSERT INTO Correct Answer! 6. With SQL, how do you select a column named "FirstName" from a table na...
DROP INDEX DROP INDEX table_name.index_name (SQL Server)DROP INDEX index_name ON table_name (MS Access)DROP INDEX index_name (DB2/Oracle)ALTER TABLE table_nameDROP INDEX index_name (MySQL) DROP TABLE DROP TABLE table_name EXISTS IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id = ?)BEGIN-...
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
The following SQL statement creates a full back up of the existing database "testDB" to the D disk:Example BACKUP DATABASE testDBTO DISK = 'D:\backups\testDB.bak'; Tip: Always back up the database to a different drive than the actual database. If you get a disk crash, you will...
The following SQL statement will create a table namedcarsin your PostgreSQL database: CREATE TABLE cars ( brand VARCHAR(255), model VARCHAR(255), year INT ); When you execute the above statement, an empty table named cars will be created, and the SQL Shell application will return the follo...
The following SQL statement selects all customers, and all orders: SELECTCustomers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID FROMCustomers FULLOUTERJOINOrdersONCustomers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID ORDERBYCustomers.CustomerName; Note:TheFULL OUTER JOINkeyword returns all the rows from the left table (Customers), ...
To insert SQL statements in the Query Tool, just write in the input box like this: Execute SQL Statements To execute a SQL statement, click the "Play" button above the input box: Result The SQL statement is executed, and you can see the result in the "Data Output" area: ...
To delete the record(s) where brand is 'Volvo', use this statement: Example Delete all records where brand is 'Volvo': DELETE FROM cars WHERE brand = 'Volvo'; Result DELETE 1 Which means that1row was deleted. Display Table To check the result we can display the table with this SQL ...
SQL DELETE ExampleThe following SQL statement deletes the customer "Alfreds Futterkiste" from the "Customers" table:ExampleGet your own SQL Server DELETE FROM Customers WHERE CustomerName='Alfreds Futterkiste'; The "Customers" table will now look like this:...