16. With SQL, how can you insert a new record into the "Persons" table? You answered: INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson') Correct Answer! 17. With SQL, how can you insert "Olsen" as the "LastName" in the "Persons" table? You answered: INSERT INTO Persons (LastName) ...
The INSERT INTO command is used to insert new rows in a table.The following SQL inserts a new record in the "Customers" table:Example INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country) VALUES ('Cardinal', 'Tom B. Erichsen', 'Skagen 21', 'Stavanger', ...
If a field in a table is optional, it is possible to insert a new record or update a record without adding a value to this field. Then, the field will be saved with a NULL value.Note: A NULL value is different from a zero value or a field that contains spaces. A field with a ...
sql ="DELETE FROM customers WHERE address = 'Mountain 21'" mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() print(mycursor.rowcount,"record(s) deleted") Run example » Important!:Notice the statement:mydb.commit(). It is required to make the changes, otherwise no changes are made to the table. ...
Database.QuerySingle(SQLstatement [, parameters]) Executes SQLstatement (with optional parameters) and returns a single record. Database.QueryValue(SQLstatement [, parameters]) Executes SQLstatement (with optional parameters) and returns a single value.❮...
❮ SQL Keywords ReferenceVALUESThe VALUES command specifies the values of an INSERT INTO statement.The following SQL inserts a new record in the "Customers" table:Example INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country) VALUES ('Cardinal', 'Tom B. Erichsen'...
INSERT INTO SELECTThe INSERT INTO SELECT command copies data from one table and inserts it into another table.The following SQL copies "Suppliers" into "Customers" (the columns that are not filled with data, will contain NULL):Example INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, City, Country) SELECT ...
var sql = "UPDATE customers SET address = 'Canyon 123' WHERE address = 'Valley 345'"; con.query(sql, function (err, result) { if (err) throw err; console.log(result.affectedRows + " record(s) updated"); }); }); Run example » Notice...
Delete any record with the address "Mountain 21": var mysql = require('mysql'); var con = mysql.createConnection({ host: "localhost", user: "yourusername", password: "yourpassword", database: "mydb"}); con.connect(function(err) { if (err) throw err; var sql = "DELETE FROM custo...
This enforces a field to always contain a value, which means that you cannot insert a new record, or update a record without adding a value to this field.NOT NULL on CREATE TABLEThe following SQL ensures that the "ID", "LastName", and "FirstName" columns will NOT accept NULL values ...