联邦税(Federal Income Tax Withheld):雇主为你预扣的联邦所得税金额。 州税(State Income Tax Withheld):如果所在州有州税制度,这里会显示你已预扣的州税金额。 社会保障税(Social Security Tax Withheld):社会保障税的扣缴金额。 福利和其他抵扣 例如你的医疗保险、养老金计划等,这些扣款可能会影响你的应纳税额。
• Payroll Tax (on earned income) – 7.65% for Employer • Social security Tax - For retirement benefits • 12.4% - 6.2% for Employer and 6.2% for Employee • Base limits to $142,800 • Medicare Tax • For retiree hospital and medical • 2.9% - 1.45% for Employer...
W-2 表格的税项通常包括: 联邦所得税(Federal Income Tax):这是根据你的收入、申报状态(如单身、已婚)及标准或逐项扣除额来计算的税款。 社会保障税(Social Security Tax):这笔税款用于支持美国的社会保障制度。 医疗保险税(Medicare Tax):这笔税款用于资助美国的医疗保险(Medicare)系统。 1.联邦所得税(Federal...
换句话说,放入pre-tax 401k的钱,可以降低Federal Income Tax的(Box 1 里面的wage会降低)。但是,pre-tax 401k contribution是不会降低Box 3 (Social Security wages) 和Box5 (Medicare wages)的,也就是说,放401k并不能降低social security tax 和Medicare tax。 要记住,你的每一分劳动所得,都是打过FICA的咯。
2) 年收入来源只有工资(自雇收入 Self-Employement Income 不算)、薪水、小费、利息分红、资本收益、需纳税的奖学金助学金、失业补助、养老金、年金、IRAs、社安金 (Social Security Benefits) 等。 3) 虽然不提供列举扣除额 (Itemized Deductions),但可以列特定的扣除额项目 (Deductions) 和税款抵免项目 (Tax ...
Federal income tax withheld 这一数额显示了由雇主为员工代扣代缴的联邦收入税。 社会保障工资 Social security wages 社保工资是计算员工应缴纳多少社会保障税的税基,Social Security Tax。美国政府对于税基设有上限的要求,每年度都会更新。例如在2019年度,对于员工来说,缴纳社会保障税的工资上限为$132,900,税率则为6.2...
联邦收入税Federal income tax withheld这一数额显示了由雇主为员工代扣代缴的联邦收入税。 社会保障工资Social security wages社保工资是计算员工应缴纳多少社会保障税的税基,Social Security Tax。美国政府对于税基设有上限的要求,每年度都会更新。例如在2019年度,对于员工来说,缴纳社会保障税的工资上限为$132,900,税率则...
Box 1:shows how much of your income during the fiscal year was taxable Box 2 - 6:show you if any income was withheld for federal or state income tax, medicare, social security tax, etc Box 7 - 10:list items such as tips, reimbursements, or even income credits. ...
Once you use our software to generate the W-2 WAGE FILE you can use the SSA Business Services Online to submit the file to the Social Security Administration. Once you use our software to generate the 1099 INFORMATION RETURN FILE, you can use the IRS FIRE (Filing Information Returns Electron...
Social Security Administration keep close communication to monitor each individual's taxes and income because they receive a copy of w2 including copies of past w2s. You should be aware that the IRS receives a w2 express download from your employer every year so they know exactly how much you...