联邦收入税Federal income tax withheld这一数额显示了由雇主为员工代扣代缴的联邦收入税。 社会保障工资Social security wages社保工资是计算员工应缴纳多少社会保障税的税基,Social Security Tax。美国政府对于税基设有上限的要求,每年度都会更新。例如在2019年度,对于员工来说,缴纳社会保障税的工资上限为$132,900,税率则...
联邦收入税Federal income tax withheld这一数额显示了由雇主为员工代扣代缴的联邦收入税。 社会保障工资Social security wages社保工资是计算员工应缴纳多少社会保障税的税基,Social Security Tax。美国政府对于税基设有上限的要求,每年度都会更新。例如在2019年度,对于员工来说,缴纳社会保障税的工资上限为$132,900,税率则...
Medicare tax withheld 医疗保险税同样也是依据美国联邦社会保险捐款法,由雇主雇员一起缴纳,员工分摊一半1.45%,雇主分摊一半1.45%,员工缴纳的部分由雇主代扣代缴。雇主缴纳的部分可在申报公司税时抵扣,员工缴纳的部分没有抵扣个人所得税的作用。 FICA: Federal Insurance Contributions Act 工资 State wages, tips, etc....
换句话说,放入pre-tax 401k的钱,可以降低Federal Income Tax的(Box 1 里面的wage会降低)。但是,pre-tax 401k contribution是不会降低Box 3 (Social Security wages) 和Box5 (Medicare wages)的,也就是说,放401k并不能降低social security tax 和Medicare tax。 要记住,你的每一分劳动所得,都是打过FICA的咯。
Federal Details:Federal Income and Federal Taxes Withheld From Each Employee State Filing Details:State Payer Account Number, State Income and State Taxes Withheld From Each Employee Learn moreaboutForm W-2 Instructions. Other Supported Forms
Pretty straightforward here, this box is for the employee’s total taxable standard income including wages, salaries, tips, bonuses, etc. Box 2: Federal income tax withheld Here you’ll list the total amount you withheld from your employee in federal income taxes online. ...
Box 1 contains the amount of your wages, tips and other compensation. Box 2 shows how much federal income tax was withheld from your paychecks. Box 3 contains how much of your pay was subject to Social Security withholding. Box 4 contains the amount of Social Security taxes withheld from yo...
Box 1:shows how much of your income during the fiscal year was taxable Box 2 - 6:show you if any income was withheld for federal or state income tax, medicare, social security tax, etc Box 7 - 10:list items such as tips, reimbursements, or even income credits. ...
Some pre-tax benefits are exempt from federal income tax but not Social Security tax. W-2 Box 2: Federal income tax withheld Box 2 shows how much federal income tax you withheld from an employee’s wages and remitted to the IRS. Federal income tax withholding is based on the employee’...
While the information contained on your W-2 tax form helps you determine your federal adjusted gross income, the form does not expressly state it. It simply provides one piece of your financial puzzle needed when preparing your annual income tax return.