It is combined here with the equally high-quality ST19 Deepskin Excellent surface texture. This effect of an opaque white lacquered, elegant woodgrain combines neutrality and naturalness. This is a popular trend used for large spaces and in furniture design. Download decor data Facts NCS S...
It is combined here with the equally high-quality ST19 Deepskin Excellent surface texture. This effect of an opaque white lacquered, elegant woodgrain combines neutrality and naturalness. This is a popular trend used for large spaces and in furniture design. Download decor data Facts NCS S...
爱格W1000作为最经典的颜色,代表着至尊白。在国内销售的W1000至少有9种不同的饰面型号,包括SM、HG、PG、PM、PT、ST9、ST19、ST38和ST76。我们家的肤感门板就是SM型号(图5、图6)。 🔍 各型号特点大揭秘 SM:半哑光面,质感柔和细腻,耐脏,适合台面和柜门。 HG:高光面,手感偏滑,适合柜门。 PG:极致高光面,...
其中,W1000SM是这一系列中的一个具体型号,其表面处理方式为半哑光面,呈现出柔和、细腻且耐脏的特点,质感亲肤,给人一种温暖的感觉,非常适合用于台面、柜门等家居装饰。 而爱格W1000系列中除了SM型号外,还有HG、PG、PM、PT、ST9、ST19、ST38、ST76等其他型号。这些型号的表面处理方式各不相同,例如HG为高光面,具...
ZKTeco熵基科技指纹考勤机网络ST300指纹打卡机上班签到机一件代 深圳市深格瑞科技有限公司 18年 回头率: 0% 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥128.25 成交21个 指纹门禁系统考勤机刷卡密码门禁系统一体机一件批发代发外贸直销 深圳市捷易通生物识别科技有限公司 3年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ...
这次全屋定制选用了爱格板,柜体是W980,花色有四种:U705、W1000、H1379和U999 ST19。其中,U705和W1000是我特别喜欢的两种颜色。U705是今年新出的颜色,自然光和灯光下都比U702更淡雅、更奶一些。我把它用在次卧的衣柜和吊柜,还有入户的玄关柜上,效果非常不错。
在淘宝,您不仅能发现明基投影机灯泡W1000+ W1110 W1050 W1070 W1080ST W1100 i700 MX666 MX662 MX720投影仪灯泡的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于明基投影机灯泡W1000+ W1110 W1050 W1070 W1080ST
SIEMENS A5E00095332 BREMER Transformatoren GmbH IGE100 FIMI 4.520.143.100 EPE F4,2GW0200P Vahle SK-MSW-SWM/T-SKNB-PH-28 NO.236015 INOXPA DIN-FOOD/125-100-400 GLRD SC/SC/EPDM GUTEKUNST Z-115LI SOMATEC PRVA 8M rechts; 1108 Murrelektronik GmbH 51120 Phoenix ST-20KS020 - 1607658 SIEMENS ...
It is combined here with the equally high-quality ST19 Deepskin Excellent surface texture. This effect of an opaque white lacquered, elegant woodgrain combines neutrality and naturalness. This is a popular trend used for large spaces and in furniture design. Download decor data Facts NCS S...
W1000 Premium Beyaz opaktır ve bu nedenle son derece kaliteli görünür. Nötrlüğü doğal ahşapla uyumlu bir kontrast oluşturur. Burada aynı derecede yüksek kaliteli ST19 Deepskin Excellent yüzey dokusu ile birleştirilmiştir. Opak beyaz lake, zarif damarlı ah...