Distributed optical fiber temperature sensing technology has the potential to be used to determine the cast-insitu pile integrity. This study proposed an arrangement of optical fibers for obtaining the pile integrity in situ, and it provided a calculation model for the temperature distribution. A mod...
摘要: 阅读理解是历年高考试题的重要组成部分.阅读题(包括完形填空)的分值权重几乎占到了整张高考英语试卷的一半,因此,阅读能力高低成了高考成败的关键.在平时答阅读题时,有相当一部分学生存在这样那样的不足,需要引以为戒,大体有以下几点 展开 关键词: 阅读理解 高考试题 英语试卷 完形填空 阅读能力 阅读题 分值 ...
PURPOSE:To reduce engine noise by installing a sound insulating cover fixed in floating fashion to replace the oil pan at the lower part of the engine and a sound insulating head cover at the upper part. CONSTITUTION:In an engine with the piston stroke smaller than the inside diameter of the...