Form W-8BEN (Rev. February 2014) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Individuals) ▶ For use by individuals. Entities must use Form W-8BEN-E. ▶ Information about Form W-8BEN ...
Form W-8BEN (Rev. February 2006) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service W-8BEN税表(最后更新时间2006-02) 美国财政部 国家税务管理局 Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding 在美预扣税受益人的外籍身份证明 OMB No. 1545-1621地址:OMB No. ...
因为他们中国供应商的货款对他们来说是一笔支出,支出越多,税就少了,说白了可以抵消税务,老外原话: I heard our tax department is helping get the paperwork settled.美国人不可能抽中国人的税,W-8BEN-E填了就是说这个意思,假如客户让你填W-8BEN-E你填吗??假如不填的话美国人不会和你做生意,美国很多中...
Form W-8BEN is sent by the company making payments to the individual. The form should be returned to the company or entity that sent the form W-8BEN, not the IRS. It's also not meant to be filed with a tax return. Typically, the form should be submitted before the first payment is...
Purpose of Form: Form W-8BEN is used by a foreign person to establish foreign taxpayer status and, if applicable, to claim a reduced rate of, or exemption from, withholding tax as resident in a country that has a tax treaty with the United States. Please refer to the Internal Revenue ...
payment is from sources within the US. You should seek professional Tax advice by yourself. Line 10 Special rate and condition. If you do not have or it is not applicable, please keep the line empty.Part 3: Certificaiton Form W-8BEN – Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for...
機密文件:機密版數:103.07A第1頁,共3頁 FORMW-8BEN非美國身份受益人免扣繳美國所得稅證明文件(自然人) CertificateofForeignStatusofBeneficialOwnerforUnitedStatesTaxWithholdingandReporting(Individuals) 關於W-8的完整說明及更多資訊請參閱美國國稅局。
Purpose of Form: Form W-8BEN is used by a foreign person to establish foreign taxpayer status and, if applicable, to claim a reduced rate of, or exemption from, withholding tax as resident in a country that has a tax treaty with the United States. Please refer to the Internal Revenue ...
后台路径:Settings 》Tax Information 》Update Tax Information 关于税收分类,如果你是公司名义注册的...
*0100143* Form W-8BEN (Rev. January 2017) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service W-8BEN 表格 (2017 年 1 月修订) 美国财政部 国税局 Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Individuals) ▶ For use by individuals. Entities...