box 16:工资(State wages, tips, etc.):缴纳州级别所得税的收入,一般与box1中的数额相同。 box 17: 州税(State income tax):这一数额显示了由雇主为员工代扣代缴的州级别收入税。 *员工可能还需要缴纳市一级别的所得税,也就是box 18和19 另外,除了我们刚才所讲的社保税,医保税是雇主雇员分摊缴纳以外。
1.联邦以及州所得税(federal and state income tax withheld)2.社会保障税 (social security tax)3.医疗保险税(medicare tax)4.残障保险(state disability insurance)除此之外,雇主还需要申报以及缴纳属于雇主的那部分税,包括社会保障税,医疗保险税,联邦和州的失业税(federal unemployment tax) 。在美国联邦国税局(...
A W-2 tax form shows important information about the income you’ve earned from your employer, amount of taxes withheld from your paycheck, benefits provided and other information for the year. You use this form to file your federal and state taxes.
Boxes 17 and 19 will report the state and local income taxes that your employer must also withhold from your wages. Although you need these amounts to prepare your state tax return, the payments are also deductible on your federal tax return as part of your itemized deductions....
box 6: 医疗保险税(Medicare tax withheld)医疗保险税同样也是依据美国联邦社会保险捐款法(FICA: Federal Insurance Contributions Act),也是由雇主雇员一起缴纳,员工分摊一半(1.45%),雇主分摊一半(1.45%),员工缴纳的部分由雇主代扣代缴。雇主缴纳的部分可在申报公司税时抵扣,员工缴纳的部分没有抵扣个人所得税的作用。
Social Security Wages (Box 3) and Medicare Wages (Box 5) are in many instances different from the amount reported for Federal Taxable Wages (Box 1). The difference, for the most part, represents before tax contributions to the following:∙414(h) State Pension Plans ∙403(b) Tax Shel...
Use this box to report other information given to the employee (for example, state disability insurance taxes withheld). Boxes 15 Through 20 — State and Local Specific Complete these boxes if you have a state income tax (don’t forget the employer’s state ID number). If boxes don’t ap...
address and Social Security number. If the form shows that you've met the government's minimum reporting requirements, you'll need to send a copy of the W-2 with your federal and state tax returns. If you work for McDonald's and haven't received W-2, there are some things you can...
W-2 Copy 1:Submitted to the state, city, or local tax department. W-2 Copy 2:Employee's copy for state, city, or local tax filing. Common Mistakes to Avoid When filing W-2 forms, employers should be aware of common mistakes that can lead to penalties and compliance issues: ...
Form W-2, also known as the Wage and Tax Statement, is a document an employer sends to each employee and theInternal Revenue Service(IRS) and shows income earned from an employer and the amount of taxes withheld from an employee's paycheck so taxpayers can file federal and state taxes. ...