Type:HSA-M8-QR14 Ident-Nr.:6901052 Spacer sleeves 引导磁块适用于直线位移LR* 定位磁块被插入传感器引导槽.Type:DS-RI-QR14 Ident-Nr.:1590814 倾角传感器 塑料, PCType:B2N10H-Q20L60-2LU3-H1151 Ident-Nr.:1534006 零点校验+/- 5° 双路模拟量输出 M12 x 1接插件Attn:: 孙经理 () : : ...
Box 12: Various codes will populate this box such as payments related to employee401(k) contributions, employee 501(c)(18)(D) tax exempt organization plan, non-taxable portion of sick pay, cost of employer-sponsored health coverage, employer contributions to an HSA, and more Box 13: This ...