box 16:工资(State wages, tips, etc.):缴纳州级别所得税的收入,一般与box1中的数额相同。 box 17: 州税(State income tax):这一数额显示了由雇主为员工代扣代缴的州级别收入税。 *员工可能还需要缴纳市一级别的所得税,也就是box 18和19 另外,除了我们刚才所讲的社保税,医保税是雇主雇员分摊缴纳以外。
box 1: 工资(wages,tips and compensation)这一项的数额表示了你去年获得的应纳税工资收入。这里的工资收入包括了薪金、应纳税的一些补贴或额外的公司福利等。box 2: 联邦收入税(Federal income tax withheld)这一数额显示了由雇主为员工代扣代缴的联邦收入税。box 3:社会保障工资(Social security wages)社保工资是计...
(第 16) box 16) 和/或当地薪金 (Box 18) 与工资单 W2 表单上联邦薪金 (Box 1) 的"原因 1"不匹配。 在 PR Employee Maintenance (02.250.00) 中设置新员工时,错误地初始化了错误的州/当地工资金额。 2. 在 PR Net Check 条目 (02.080.00) 中创建了一个 Net ...
Boxes 1-2:Box 1 shows taxable income, including wages, salary, tips, and bonuses, while Box 2 shows how much federal income tax the employer withheld. Boxes 3-4:Box 3 details the earnings subject to Social Security tax and Box 4 shows the amount of Social Security tax withheld. ...
Box 1 Wages, Tips and Other Compensation Federal taxable wages are reported in this box.Box 2 Federal Income Tax Withheld The total Federal income tax withheld from your pay is reported in this box.Box 3 Social Security Wages The wages subject to Social Security tax, not to exceed $117,000...
For example, an employee’s Box 1 wages can be lower than Box 3 wages. Some pre-tax benefits are exempt from federal income tax but not Social Security tax. W-2 Box 2: Federal income tax withheld Box 2 shows how much federal income tax you withheld from an employee’s wages and remi...
Box 3 — Social Security Wages Include the total wages subject to Social Security tax. There’s a chance this number will be different from box 1. The Social Security Administration doesn’t require employees to pay Social Security taxes on wages above $168,600 in 2025. ...
The money set aside for selections you made in your work’s cafeteria benefits plan should already be subtracted from the total amount of your wages reported in box 1 of your W-2. What is Form W-2G? If you gambled and received winnings, they typically need to be included in taxable ...
Box 1: Shows your total taxable wages, tips, prizes, and other compensation for the year, minus certain elective deferrals, such as 401(k) plans, pretax benefits, and payroll deductions. The number from box 1, your income, is reported on line 7 of your Form 1040. Box 2: Reports the...
W-2 Box F: Employee’s address The employee’s current address is entered in Box F. W-2 Box 1: Wages, tips, other compensation Box 1 reports all taxable wages, salary, fees, bonuses, and tips, except for pre-tax benefits. This figure is determined by subtracting pre-tax deductions f...