Warner Bros. “Deadpool & Wolverine” fell 51% from its opening day last week. The latest and final entry in the current continuity of DC Comics adaptations has struggled for air, only reaching $65 million in its first week of release. The first “Aquaman,” released in...
A Hilarious and Action-Packed Adventure: Transformers One delivers a perfect blend of over-the-top action, irreverent humor, and surprisingly heartfelt moments. A Multiverse of Madness: The film explores the vast and chaotic world of the Marvel multiverse, introd...
FASTEST IN THE WORLD…U.S. sprintersRalph Metcalfe(left) andEddie Tolanpose on the track at 1932 Los Angeles Olympics. Tolan would receive the title of the “world’s fastest human” after winning gold medals in the 100- and 200- meter events. Metcalfe, who be elected to the U.S. Co...
Fifteen years ago, I went hiking for the first time. Then it became a goal. I'd make it a point to climb a mountain once a month. I made a list, a little black book, a blog. Then it became my nature. It was no longer an effort. My world had been rearranged. I just woke u...
Regardless of it being dubbed or named a storm though it already has and will continue to bring drenching rain showers for communities south of Hue Vietnam and extending in to Cambodia in to the Weekend. There is the risk of flooding from this storm. Already 50mm has been reported in ...
And, c’mon, there’s a song about digging up dead fans and throwing their bodies offstage for a savvy new post-mortem move dubbed the “Grave Dive.” What could possibly be better? Certainly not spending your time locked up in “Boat Jail!”—JD ...
Mami Koyama Voices Maltran in Tales of Zestiria PS3 Game (Jul 9, 2014) Godzilla PS3 Game's 1st Video 'Resurrects the God of Destruction' (Jun 26, 2014) Japan's Video Game Rankings, June 9-15 (Jun 18, 2014) Gundam: Duel Company TCG, Browser Game's English-Dubbed Promo Video...
Electric Cityis a cool little town in Grant County on the shoreline of Banks Lake. Electric City was named for its proximity to the world-famous Grand Coulee Dam. I would bet money the two songs played at city events include “The Electric Slide” and “Electric Avenue”. There’s so mu...