Koncepcja dzielnej ofiary a obszary kulturowo-prawnej dyskryminacji instytucjonalnej kobiet w Polscedoi:10.14746/spp.2023.2.42.5Institutional discrimination against women in Poland is a social problem that persists despite constitutional guarantees of gender equality and legislation prov...
Rak pluca jest najczestszym nowotworem u mezczyzn i trzecim po raku piersi i jelita grubego u kobiet. Rokowanie w tym nowotworze jest niekorzystne, a rocznie umiera w Polsce okolo 22 000 osob. Wprowadzenie terapii celowanej stanowi znacz... B. Weryńska,I. Porbska,M. Kosack...
Sport strzelecki kobiet w Polsce w okresie midzywojennym During the interwar period, women in Poland actively participated in sports activities. Among sports disciplines that were popular among women was shooting. Women's shooting sections were active in sports clubs, sports organisations and ... ...
Nowe migracje kobiet – obiektywne trendy i subiektywne doświadczenia. Przypadek imigrantek w PolsceThe article has two objectives. On the one hand, it adopts a gender perspective with the aim of highlighting objective trends and characteristics of the so-called new migrations of women with ...
Jej bezradny mąż Komura bierze tygodniowy urlop w pracy i wyrusza na północ, by dostarczyć pudło i jego nieznaną zawartość dwóm młodym kobietom. Jego kolega Katagiri, windykator z zawodu i niezręczny samotnik, pewnego wieczoru wraca do domu i ...
Wynagrodzenia kobiet i mężczyzn w Polsce i ich zróżnicowanieThe paper analyses the differences in women's and men's wages in Poland. In most studies the conclusions about wage differences are formulated using wage average. Unlike in those studies, we analyse wage distribution using ...
PERFORMATYWNO WYPOWIEDZI MANIFESTACYJNEJ W DEMOKRACJI - NA PRZYKADZIE PROTESTW KOBIET W POLSCEdoi:10.14746/rpeis.2024.86.1.07Public discourse is one of the spheres in which the common understanding of legal language concepts, as well as many legal institutions, is shaped...
The article presents a comparative sociological study based on theoretical and empirical material focusing on the mass popularisation of higher education and reproduction of gender inequalities in academic structures in both Poland and in Germany. The empirical part focuses on analysing institutional ...
Successful women in the Polish People's Republic in the light of publications of the magazine Zwierciado: Pismo Ligi Kobiet Polskich The aim of the scientific research included in the paper was to show the issue of Polish women and the cultural changes in the Polish People's Republic in ...
The preliminary research indicated the further research directions concerningthe sport of women in Poland, particularly in the area of gender discrimination.Renata Włoch