🌈 以前总觉得W酒店像是夜店风格的样板间,但这次新开的W New York - Union Square彻底颠覆了我的认知。从进门那一瞬间起,我就被它的设计震撼到了,这真的是W酒店吗?大堂的设计简直是赛博温室和复古剧院的结合体,既有巨大的玻璃穹顶让光线透进来,又有绿植瀑布,真的是视觉和听觉的双重享受。客房的设计则是酷炫...
纽约联合广场W 酒店(W New York - Union Square) 201 Park Ave S, 纽约显示地图 装修:2024纽约联合广场 W 酒店坐落在曼哈顿一处活力四射的路口。这里不仅是交通中心,也是聚会佳地、热闹市场、精彩舞台和活力飞地。它像大苹果城的众多社区一样,姿态缤纷,活力四射。我们将这种多元文化风情延伸到酒店内部。我们的联合...
纽约联合广场W酒店 (W New York - Union Square) 201 Park Avenue South, 格拉梅西, 纽约(NY), 纽约州, 美国, 10003 退房日期2月6日, 周四 1/1 酒店 👍今天已有2人预订 酒店优势 卫生优选 距离公交设施260米 24小时办理入住 8.8位置优越 201 Park Avenue South, 格拉梅西, 纽约(NY), 纽约州, 美国, ...
这家位于曼哈顿市中心的酒店距离联合广场地铁站-第14大道有2个街区,设有用餐区和带27英寸平面电视的棕色调客房。酒店距离联合广场有4分钟步行路程。 W New York – Union Square酒店每间宽敞的客房配有iPad基座,并提供客房内按摩服务。客房内还配有迷你吧、咖啡设施、天鹅绒扶手椅和柔软的浴袍。 Union Square W New...
w new york union square hotel 4.7 評鑑日期:2011年6月2日 the hotel locate in a perfect place in manhattan,. maybe this is the speciality for all w hotel. Location Liu | 台灣 | 雙人同行 Sitemap 找機票 機票+住宿 所有目的地 所有航線 ...
New York – Union Square Arrival Departure Next Time, Be There. What happens at W Hotels? Things that couldn’t happen anywhere else. For our new series Hotel Tales, some of our most notable guests sit down to share the unexpected moments that made their stays unforgettable and worth re-te...
New York – Union Square Arrival Departure Next Time, Be There. What happens at W Hotels? Things that couldn’t happen anywhere else. For our new series Hotel Tales, some of our most notable guests sit down to share the unexpected moments that made their stays unforgettable and worth re-te...
New York – Union Square Arrival Departure Next Time, Be There. What happens at W Hotels? Things that couldn’t happen anywhere else. For our new series Hotel Tales, some of our most notable guests sit down to share the unexpected moments that made their stays unforgettable and worth re-te...
纽约联合广场W 酒店 8.40分 非常好 | 四级高端 酒店设计优秀,大堂但偏旧,房间还是优良的可以看见新...