一头戴着生日帽的大象在海滩上行走。(An elephant wearing a birthday hat walking on the beach.)皮卡丘在拳击场内戴着拳击手套。(Pikachu wearing boxing gloves, inside a boxing ring.)一只可爱的熊猫在天空中滑板,越过雪山,充满梦幻和异想天开的气氛。(A cute panda skateboarding in the sky, over sn...
Download the W.R.C. app today! 新内容 2022年5月10日 版本3.0.5 * An Improved Look * Faster Performance * Now Works on Tablets * New Chat Features * Added Quick Tutorial in Shortcut Menu * Other Enhancements and Improvements App 隐私 ...
easy to use and offers immediate access to live webcams from many of the world's biggest cities, including Berlin, London, Rome, Sydney, and many more. The "Country" and "City" sections of the portal allow you to discover the most popular places in each country and city of the world ...
A simple Python wrapper for the ChatGPT API - 2023-03-02 Using ChatGPT to write AppleScript - 2023-03-08 Using the ChatGPT streaming API from Python - 2023-04-01 GPT-4 for API design research - 2023-04-06 Using ChatGPT Browse to name a Python package - 2023-06-18 Using OpenAI ...
抖助理,批量去水印,支持 快手、抖音,YouTube、Instagram(包含快拍)、Twitter、TK、Threads、Facebook、Vimeo、afreecatv、Tumblr、Triller、Likee、Twitch、Pinterest、Snapchat、Reddit、VK、Dailymotion、SoundCloud、Lemon8、Suno音乐、小红薯、AcFun、B、Amazon亚马
Find and select the invoice you wish to delete. On the Invoice page, choose More at the bottom, then Delete. Select Yes to confirm. Once done, re-create it. If the invoice is already paid in QuickBooks, navigate the Receive payment option to link...
TouchChat 是一个功能齐全的辅助性与替代性沟通系统(AAC),适用于无法用口语进行交流或有沟通障碍的人群。TouchChat 专为自闭症、唐氏综合症、肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)、言语失用症、中风或其他影响口语能力的患者设计。 TouchChat 的用户可以选择一个包含页面和按钮的词汇文件。这些页面和按钮中包含单词、短语、句子以及...
“This song is for all of my single folks out there. I hope you find a Santa to get wrapped up with this holiday season.” The original song was written by Kadan with Johnny Reid, who also serves as producer. Sample lyrics: I walked in, there he was The man in red, Mr. ...
Originally, the phrase appeared in different forms, such as “you can’t eat your cake and have it” or “you can’t have your cake and eat it.” The basic meaning has always been the same: once you consume or use something, you no longer have it to show off to others, removing ...
使用TouchChat 表达的信息可以通过无线连接在社交媒体上分享,或通过 iMessage® 和电子邮件发送。表达信息后,按下文本窗口并选择服务。此外,可以在 TouchChat 和其他应用程序之间复制信息,以便发声表达。 用户可以编程按钮以播放媒体库中的音乐和视频或 YouTube™ 的视频。一旦编程完成,词汇文件可以通过 AirDrop、电...