Box 3 shows an employee’s total wages subject to Social Security tax. Do not include the amount of pre-tax deductions that are exempt from Social Security tax in Box 3. The number in Box 3 should not be higher than the Social Security wage base, which is $168,600 for 2024. If yo...
BoxLabelSource of data displayed in box Void Void Nothing will be printed in this box. Box a Employee’s social security number Taken from Employee Social Security Number in the Employee Maintenance window. Box b Employer’s identification number (EIN) Taken from Employer Identification Number in...
BoxLabelSource of data displayed in box VoidVoidNothing will be printed in this box. Box aEmployee’s social security numberTaken from Employee Social Security Number in the Employee Maintenance window. Box bEmployer’s identification number (EIN)Taken from Employer Identification Number in the Year...
Include up to 4codeson a single W-2 form. For more codes, you’ll need another W-2 form. Put code on the left of the line, and the amount on the right. The code letter does not relate at all to the box’s letter in Form W-2. For example, you can insert code B on box 1...
Box 17 Box 18 Box 19 Box 20 Form W-2 Box 12 Balances The ORA_HRX_US_W2_BOX_12 lookup code contains the following Box 12 balance info. Code A Code B Code C Code D Code E Code F Code G Code H Code J Code K Code L
Additional Boxes (for Box 12) If any of the amounts are incorrect, you must correct the information. After you create and review W-2c workfile records, you can print the W-2c forms. The Print W-2c Forms (Laser) program (P06771L) includes demo versions for federal forms. ...
Box 4 - Social security tax withheld: This is the amount of money that the employer paid to SSA on behalf of the employee. Box 5 - Medicare wages and tips: This is sometimes a bigger number than what's listed in Box 1. It includes an employee's total taxable compensation and fringe...
==k},Aj=function(){return"sendBeacon"in navigator},Bj=function(){return E("borderRadius")},Cj=function(){return E("boxShadow")},Dj=function(){var a=z("div").style;a.cssText=F.join("opacity:.55;");return/^0.55$/.test(a.opacity)},Ej=function(){return Q(["textShadow"],k)}...
Rexroth R911321328 FWA-INDRV*-MPH-03V22-D5-1-NNN-NNRexroth 1824484002Fantini Cosmi C03A3CONEC 17-100764BENDER IRDH275B-435Honsberg HD2K015GM025ETurck B4151-0/11 6914526STRACK Z76-50-56 37197SCHNEIDER LTMR100CFMSALTUS 8606001991TSCHAN GTW2 168...
Of course!There is always a user manual in the packaging box.You can contact us directly if you meet any problems.We are here! 4)How about warranty? 2-year warranty period(since the date you receive the order). some products are 3 years and some are 5 years, ...