📍W Hotel 90 Bloor St E, Toronto, ON M4W 1A7多伦多的最新W酒店,位于繁华的Bloor街东侧,是一处隐藏的美食天堂。这家酒店的前身是一家历史悠久的酒店,如今经过改造,焕然一新。一走进酒店,你就会被公共学校的清新明亮风格所吸引。咖啡店位于临街的一楼,色彩鲜明,环境宜人。我点了一杯regular latte,浓郁的...
酒吧内,人们的休闲活动围绕着一座引人注目的圆形吧台展开,吧台台面由黑色大理石制成,低调而精致的设计与Bloor街道设计师商店风格相得益彰,同时又以别致且亲切的姿态邀请人们就坐,享受片刻的悠闲时光。 On the ground floor, the facade opens onto the street and allows for a direct connection with PUBLIC SCHOOL:...
90 Bloor Street East, Church and Wellerley同志村, 多倫多(ON), 加拿大, M4W 1A7-查看地圖&週邊景點 住宿位於Church and Wellerley同志村的絕佳位置,讓您輕鬆探索周遭景點。 這間高品質飯店被評為4.5星級,提供客人健身中心和Spa。 重點設施 優良衛生 ...
Hotels Breanna Xavier-Carter Posted on August 09, 2022 Report Inaccuracy W Hotel Toronto 90 Bloor Street East 416.961.8000 Website Yonge & Bloor Hotels Luxury Hotels Rate this: Average Rating: 0.0 Latest Videos Add to Favourites Add to To-Do List ...
90 Bloor Street East, 切尔奇和韦尔兹利, 多伦多(ON), 加拿大, M4W 1A7 惊艳了10.0 位置评分 附近机场 多伦多中央岛机场 (YTZ) 4.5公里 多伦多皮尔逊国际机场 (YYZ) 19.3公里 公交/地铁站 布鲁尔-央街地铁站 50米 海湾地铁站 460米 医疗机构 Midtown Dental 50米 逛街购物 圣劳伦斯市场 2.7公里 便...
The hotel’s WOW Suites feature expansive entertaining and dining spaces, a separate bedroom, and a spa-inspired bathroom Where You’re Staying The bold colors of the public spaces sets the standard for the rest of the hotel. Jewel-toned guest rooms and suites are inspired by the theater and...
90 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Canada Yorkville 254 Rooms Cutting-Edge & Happening The W hotels were among the original luxury boutique hotels, and they’re just as relevant now as they were when they were trailblazers. W Toronto enters Yorkville, one of the city’s hippest neighborhoods, wit...
📍位于多伦多市中心的W Hotel一楼,Public School餐厅以其精致的装饰和独特的环境吸引着众多食客。一进门,你会被Cafe区域吸引,那里提供美味的咖啡和小点心。🍞🍰🍽️继续深入,你会发现一个充满活力的kitchen&bar区域,这里提供的食物种类丰富,包括各种精致的brunch和午餐选择。Public School还特别注重提供丰富的veg...
The hotel’s WOW Suites feature expansive entertaining and dining spaces, a separate bedroom, and a spa-inspired bathroom Where You’re Staying The bold colors of the public spaces sets the standard for the rest of the hotel. Jewel-toned guest rooms and suites are in...
多伦多W酒店下午茶,超赞! 如果你在多伦多寻找一个特别的下午茶体验,那么W Hotel的高茶(High Tea)绝对值得一试。这里的主题非常有趣,甜点被做成了化妆品的样子,比如巧克力口红💄、面霜盒子里的饼干🍪、中式腮红模样的马卡龙以及手袋模样的蛋糕🍰。咸食方面,这里的中西融合风格也很特别,外皮像菠萝包的多汁肉馅点心...