Matching Answer Confidence ICK 95% YECH 85% DISGUSTING 85% e.g. Greek Cheese e.g. O?D (Use ? for unknown letters) select length3456789101112 New Search Common Themes Will Help You Solve Your Crossword Hobbies & Passions
Needed to generate some word based passwords and decided to practice some C#. One console application and one WPF application. - PWGen/PWGenW/Words.cs at master · larntz/PWGen
But it wasn’t until 1948 that Walter Morrison and Warren Franscioni began selling their plastic “Flying Saucers” or “Pluto Platters” at county fairs. Toy company Wham-O caught word of the discs and bought the rights in 1955, renaming them Frisbees. By the mid-’60s, Wham-O Frisbees...