Instructions for Form W-8BEN-E Инструкциикформе W-8BEN-E Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service МинистерствофинансовНалоговоеуправление (June 2014) (июнь 2014 г.) Certificate of Status of Beneficial ...
W-8BEN 表格簡要説明 Instructions for Completing Form W-8BEN 表格用途:本表格用於非美國人士向美國國稅局確認其外國納稅人身份。如果您所居住的國家為美國的稅務減免互惠國,您可能符合減稅或免稅的資格。請到美國國稅局網站www.irs.gov做進一步了解。請將您的W-8BEN表格原件寄到史考特證券,不要送到美國國稅局。...
W-8BEN 表格簡要説明 Instructions for Completing Form W-8BEN 表格用途:本表格用於非美國人士向美國國稅局確認其外國納稅人身份。如果您所居住的國家為美國的稅務減免互惠國,您可能符合減稅或免稅的資格。請到美國國稅局網站www.irs.gov做進一步了解。請將您的W-8BEN表格原件寄到史考特證券,不要送到美國國稅局。...
F Please see Form W-8BEN-E instructions for definition of substantial U.S. owner. G. PART XXX (Certification) (Page 8 of form) You must be authorised to sign on behalf of the entity on Line 1. G 1. Please sign the form. 2. Please print your name on the line next to your ...
The W-8BEN-E form has 30 different parts with multiple pages. Here are some brief instructions on how to fill in the top required parts of the form in less than 10 minutes.
FATCA Compliance Form W-8BEN-E Instructions ReleasedLeitner, Abraham
Looking for more information? The IRS provides detailed instructions onhow to correctly fill out Form W-8BEN-E. Best Practices for Collecting W-8BEN-E Forms If your business works with foreign entities, it’s essential to maintain accurate practices for managing international payments. Your company...
W-8BEN是美國政府單位發行的表格,必須以英文正楷填寫,第一證券所提供的中文版本,僅作參考用。請將填寫後的表格電郵或傳真至第一證券:電子郵件:newaccounts@firstrade傳真:1-718-961-3919請注意: 此表僅限個人使用,如為公司或其他法人申請,請使用W-8BEN-E。 美國公民和綠卡持有者請勿使用W-8BEN,請使用W-9。