Are you considering the opportunity to pursue higher education at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)? We will host online meetings for prospective students from abroad, and you’re invited! Pre-register now and learn the seminar dates first Format: Online meetings via Microsoft Teams Language: Eng...
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is one of the few universities in the region where liberal arts education is imparted – offering minor and major studies, interdisciplinary approach to educational programmes and multilingualism. VMU was established in 1922 and is among the oldest higher education ins...
Vytautas Magnus University Rankings Vytautas Magnus University is ranked #1818 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. Read more about how we rank schools. Vytautas Magnus University Rankings #1818in Best ...
Established in 1922 and located in the heart of Kaunas, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is a r...
levels. The goal of the Centre is to develop distance studies at Vytautas Magnus University while...
必应词典为您提供vytautas-magnus-university的释义,网络释义: 维陶塔斯·马格纳斯大学;立陶宛;维陶塔斯·马格努斯大学;
在立陶宛的维陶塔斯马格努斯大学(Vytautas Magnus University)读书是什么体验?等人来:)维
Vytautas Magnus University维陶塔斯马格努斯大学成立于1922年,是立陶宛国家公立大学之一。有来自60个国家的国际学生,占学校总学生比例的百分之十。大部分全部以立陶宛语授课。通过立陶宛留学中心申请可免去雅思成绩,通过学校面试即可入读大一课程。#立陶宛留学##立陶宛签证# 2立陶宛·维尔纽斯 L立陶宛大学的微博视频 ...