维陶塔斯(Vytautas Didysis,1350年—1430年),又名维托夫特,立陶宛大公,为中世纪立陶宛最有名的统治者之一,被称为维陶塔斯大帝,他享有与国王同等的权利,是作为他的疆土内的最高统治者,同时他也是龙骑士团成员,他的父亲科斯图提斯(Kestutis,? —1382年)曾与兄弟阿基尔达斯(Algirdas,1296年—1377年)共同开拓立陶宛疆...
Vytautas The Great We appreciate you stopping by. In the coming weeks, we will be unveiling our new Web site. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us. VytautasDidysis@Gmail.com Powered by Register.com
Vytautas the Great Vytautas the Great, statue in Kernavė, Lith. (more) Vytautas the Great Lithuanian leader Ask the Chatbot a Question More Actions Also known as: Vytautus Didysis, Witold Wielki Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Article History Quick...