执行命令vxlan anycast-gateway enable,使能分布式网关功能。 缺省情况下,分布式网关功能处于去使能状态。 在三层网关上使能分布式网关功能后,网关收到网络侧的ARP或NS报文将做丢弃处理,只学习用户侧主机的ARP或NS报文。 根据需要选择执行如下步骤,配置发布主机路由功能: 当Overlay网络是IPv4网络时: 如果VXLAN网关之间配置...
255.0 pim sm igmp enable vxlan anycast-gateway enable arp collect host enable # interface Vbdif20 ip binding vpn-instance mcast1 ip address pim sm igmp enable igmp version 3 vxlan anycast-gateway enable arp collect host enable #interface Eth-Trunk1//仅CE8850EI、CE...
arp collect host enable # interface Vbdif30 ip binding vpn-instance vpnb ip address mac-address 00e0-3030-0001 vxlan anycast-gateway enable arp collect host enable # interface GE1/0/0 undo portswitch undo shutdown ip address ospf network-type p...
The VTEP and the SVI for this VLAN have to be properly configured for the distributed Anycast Gateway operation, for example, global Anycast Gateway MAC address configured and Anycast Gateway feature with the virtual IP address on the SVI. VTEP 是第一跳网关的情况下才可以配 ARP 抑制。 The ARP...
fabric forwarding mode anycast-gateway interface Vlan200 noshutdown vrf member vxlan1000 ip address fabric forwarding mode anycast-gateway interface Vlan1000 noshutdown vrf member vxlan1000 ip forward interface port-channel1 switchport mode trunk ...
fabric forwarding mode anycast-gateway interface Vlan200 noshutdown vrf member vxlan1000 ip address fabric forwarding mode anycast-gateway interface Vlan1000 noshutdown vrf member vxlan1000 ip forward interface port-channel1 switchport mode trunk ...
[SwitchA-Vsi-interface1] ipv6 address 1::1/64 anycast [SwitchA-Vsi-interface1] distributed-gateway local [SwitchA-Vsi-interface1] local-proxy-nd enable [SwitchA-Vsi-interface1] quit # 配置VXLAN 10所在的VSI实例和接口VSI-interface1关联。 [SwitchA] vsi vpna [SwitchA-vsi-vpna] gateway vs...
[SwitchA-Vsi-interface1] ipv6 address 1::1/64 anycast [SwitchA-Vsi-interface1] distributed-gateway local [SwitchA-Vsi-interface1] local-proxy-nd enable [SwitchA-Vsi-interface1] quit # 配置VXLAN 10所在的VSI实例和接口VSI-interface1关联。 [SwitchA] vsi vpna [SwitchA-vsi-vpna] gateway vs...
EVPN VXLAN Single-Gateway Centralized Routing In a traditional EVPN VXLAN centralized anycast gateway deployment, multiple L3 VTEPs serve the role of the centralized anycast gateway. For the hosts to have a consistant ARP binding for any of the