ref="table" :show-header-overflow="true" :show-overflow="true" :data="chooseAttributes" border :header-cell-style="{ background: '#f2f5ff' }" :sortConfig="{ trigger: 'cell' }" stripe v-loading="loading" max-height="396px" :row-config="{ isHover: true }" > <template slot="emp...
:header-cell-class-name 表头的样式 :row-class-name 行的样色 :cell-class-name 列的样式 :header-cell-style 表头的动态样色 :row-style行的动态样色 :row-style="setRowClass" methods:{ setRowClass({row, rowIndex}){ if(rowIndex === 0){ return "background: #3c80ff"; } } } 1. 2....
:header-cell-style="headerCellStyle" :cell-style="cellStyle" :row-style="rowStyle" > <vxe-columntype="checkbox" width="60" v-if="data.selection" fixed="left"></vxe-column> <vxe-column v-for="(col, index) in data.column" :key="index" :field="col.prop" :title="col.label" :...
Cell style (单元格样式) Column resizable (列宽拖动) Fluid-height table with fixed header (流体高度) Resize height and width (响应式宽高) Table with fixed header (固定表头) Table with fixed column (固定列) Table with fixed columns and header (固定表头和列) ...
--><vxe-table:class="{ isNoBorder: !border }":border="border":data="tableData":max-height="height":show-header="showHeader":loading="loading"cell-class-name="cellStyle"@checkbox-all="selectAllChangeEvent"@checkbox-change="onSelectChange"header-row-class-name="headerStyle":span-method="...
Cell style (单元格样式) Column resizable (列宽拖动) Fluid-height table with fixed header (流体高度) Resize height and width (响应式宽高) Table with fixed header (固定表头) Table with fixed column (固定列) Table with fixed columns and header (固定表头和列) ...
122 headerCellStyle?: { [key: string]: any } | Array<string | number | boolean | { [key: string]: any }> | Function; 123 /** 124 * 给表尾单元格附加样式 125 */ 126 footerCellStyle?: { [key: string]: any } | Array<string | number | boolean | { [key: string]: ...
路径:vxe-table/es/header/src/header.js 最后需要去定义col--hidden的样式就行啦! 路径:vxe-table/lib/style.css 效果 现在空白列也不会出现啦~ 滚轮白屏问题 -> mode: 'wheel' 上面是已经解决了拖动滚动条的白屏的问题,但是其实有的电脑硬件比较差,滚动滚动居然也会有白屏现象吗,这个时候可以设置vxe-table...
Cell style (单元格样式) Column resizable (列宽拖动) Maximum table height (最大高度) Resize height and width (自适应宽高) Fixed column (固定列) Grouping table header (多级表头) Table footer (表尾数据) Highlight row and column (高亮行、列) ...