If your ECU has no VX1000 driver integrated, or the ECU is brain dead, go to your device | Protocol | Expert settings and set FLASH_CONNECT_MODE to 2. After the microcontroller is flashed successfully, CANape is offline. If an automatic connection after successful flashing is required, the...
CANape连接网络接口卡可通过CCP/XCP on Bus与ECU的内部数据进行交互;使用VX1000系列设备连接ECU可获取如雷达原始数据和摄像头视频流并通过XCP on Ethernet进行测量分析。Option Driver Assistance为CANape在ADAS领域上的拓展应用,它可以捕捉并显示传感器数据,功能也涵盖了ADAS开发中的广泛应用。例如可以捕捉摄像头视频流...
ECUs > Optional: 1 x FlexRay and up to 5 x CAN (FD) via XL Driver Library interface for CANape/CANalyzer/CANoe and custom applications > PC tools for easy configuration and for software updates 1.4 Further Information You will find more information on the Web at www.vector.com/VX1000. ...
这个文档是VX1000的手册,在vector官网可以下载到,传统的XCP通过走CAN USB SPI等物理层,VX1000支持走JTAG调试口来实现XCP的标定数据获取。 VX1000 XCP2019-06-17 上传大小:16.00MB 所需:50积分/C币 VX1000If_VX1000AppDriver_TriCore_v03-09-644.7z ...
Microsoft微软NX-6000_VX-1000_VX-3000_VX-6000摄像头最新驱动1.3版For Vista-32_Vista-64无官方正式版 软件大小:113.00M 更新时间:2016-11-27 星级指数: 软件平台:电脑版 软件语言:简体中文 系统类型:支持32/64位 软件授权:免费 下载次数:16次 安全监测:无插件无病毒正式版 操作系统:Microsoft...
Now the VX1000 base module can buffer data peaks to prevent a buffer overflow in the TCP/IP driver on the computer. But this does not replace a performant computer. With CANape 20 an option was introduced to buffer peaks in CANape. The XCP_RX_QUEUE_SIZE can be increased to prevent buf...
CANape连接网络接口卡可通过CCP/XCP on Bus与ECU的内部数据进行交互;使用VX1000系列设备连接ECU可获取如雷达原始数据和摄像头视频流并通过XCP on Ethernet进行测量分析。 Option Driver Assistance为CANape在ADAS领域上的拓展应用,它可以捕捉并显示传感器数据,功能也涵盖了ADAS开发中的广泛应用。例如可以捕捉摄像头视频流...
FLASH (CCP/XCP driver code) CPU time BUS bandwidth (CAN, FlexRay) Send copied signal values via: CAN ~10 kB/sec Private CAN ~50 kB/sec FlexRay ~100 kB/sec © 2013 . Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. Any distribution or copying is subject to prior written approval by Vect...
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To synchronize VX1135/VX1161 via PTP, VXtools version 4.7 SP2 or higher must be installed, along with the included Vector driver setup on your PC. Additionally, the firmware on VX1135/VX1161 must be upgraded to this version. Documentation can be found here. For CANape, use a version equa...