大众汽车标准_vw 01110 螺纹连接 热度: 大众汽车标准:螺纹连接设计、装配、安全作业 热度: Seite2 VW10540-1:2006-06 ─Normteilen ─Halbzeugen ─Teilen,beidenenausPlatzmangeleineKennzeichnungnichtmöglichistbzw.nichtlesbar (BegriffsieheDIN1450)angebrachtwerdenkann. ...
VW10540-1-0699大众刻字方案,VW10540-1-0699大众刻字方案VW,刻字,大众,V W,n0699,电脑刻字机,激光刻字机,刻字机,激光刻字,戒指刻字,VW,刻字,大..
VW 10540-1
VW10540-1_EN_2006-06-01 Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform “www.vwgroupsupply....
changes have been made as compared to Volkswagen standard VW 10540 -1, 2005-06 (changes as compared to the last issue are marked by a vertical bar on the left of the modified text block): ──── Section 1, paragraph 9: Note on the use of labels added Section 2, paragraph 2: ...
VW 10540-1 Konzernnorm Descriptors:manufacturer,code,marking,identification,vehiclepart Page1of4 Fachverantwortung/ResponsibilityNormung/Standards(E2TC,1733) E2TCKühnKühnTel.:+49-5361-9-23370Terlinden Confidential.Allrightsreserved.NopartofthisdocumentmaybetransmittedorreproducedwithoutpriorpermissionofaStandards...
3) Instead of the manufacturer's code acc to VW 10540-1 ,part 7 of the same standard shal l be appl ied to valve springs Page 4 VW 10540-1 :2006-06 4 Referenced standards* VW 01014 Technical Drawings;Drawing Frames and Text Macros ...
VW10540-1-0699大众刻字方案 热度: 计算机知识w-集思-OA解决方案0422162637第一期 热度: 一汽大众2010大河春季车展执行方案(2) 热度: 相关推荐 vw10540-1-06.99大众刻字方案,vw10540-1-06.99大众刻字方案,ug8.0刻字,刻字机,ipad刻字,戒指刻字,电脑刻字机,米上刻字,激光刻字,ipad刻字刻什么好,苹果刻字,vw...