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At the end of last year we saw the VW Cross Coupe Concept at the Tokyo Motor Show, an ‘Urban’ Crossover come SUV Concept from Volkswagen that looked as if it had stolen every current design trend and morphed it in to one concept. Oddly, it worked. A bit bigger than a Golf, but ...
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Historically, the Golf Match has proved one of the best-selling Golf trims in the UK. Even though the Germans aren’t renowned for the generosity of their specifications, VW has thrown extra kit at the new 2014 Golf Match. It comes with front and rear parking sensors, new 16-inch ...
This article evaluates the Mail-Secure 2040 version 2.5 email security tool from PineApp. The product has models ranging from home user to enterprise network. Mail-Secure 2040 is aimed at small to medium size enterprises that comes in a slim, rack-mountable case, includes a firewall, and has...
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