【2025大众高尔夫GTI Clubsport】2025 Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsport 340 -- 4:54 App 【2024奥迪S3 Limousine】2024 Audi S3 Limousine 1280 -- 2:01 App 大众高尔夫店内现车! 620 -- 3:25 App 【2022大众高尔夫R 美规版】2022 Volkswagen Golf R - US Spec 962 -- 8:32 App Volkswagen Passat R36...
2021 VW Golf GTI Clubsport MK8 所谓的Clubsport就是过去说的TCR,GTi的高性能版本,同样的EA888发动机,马力调到了300匹。不同于国内的GTi,国外的GTi有DCC,这款Clubsport版本还有前桥差速器,可以有效改善前...
【2023大众高尔夫R 333限量版】2023 Volkswagen Golf R 333 Limited Edition 1867 -- 4:05 App 【2022大众高尔夫R 20周年纪念版】2022 VW Golf(VIII) R 20Years Edition 5021 10 3:34 App 【2024大众高尔夫GTI Clubsport】2024 Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsport 2097 -- 3:08 App 【2025大众高尔夫GTI】2025 Vo...
去年,Volkswagen為了慶祝Golf GTI車系40周年,以七代Golf GTI為基礎,打造了全新的Golf GTI Clubsport,定位介於Golf GTI與頂級四輪驅動車款Golf R的中間版本。在完成註冊商標手續後,近期也在歐洲正式開放接單,訂定售價為36350歐元。 首先將原用的2.0升直列四缸渦輪增壓引擎從220hp馬力提升到261hp,在超增壓模式下,更...
Golf GTI Clubsport所使用的動力系統,依然來自代號EA888的2.0升直列四缸渦輪引擎,不過經過原廠調校後,其最大馬力從原先一般GTI車型的220匹,一舉提升至265 匹的水準!另外更炫的是,Clubsport還有個專屬的熱血功能就是超增壓模式,只要將行車模式切換到Sport,超增壓隨時都會待命,一旦在需要動力時大腳油門,系統就會透過ECU...
Despite being less powerful and front-wheel drive, the Clubsport Edition 40 version of the Golf GTI costs only £245 less than the AWD Golf R
楼主 26:46回复0浏览 110 VW Golf R & VW Golf GTI Clubsport
So, celebrate the Golf GTI’s 40th birthday in style, the German giant has boosted its venerable hot hatch to, yes, 286bhp, making this Clubsport edition the most powerful production GTI ever. However, unlike the stealthy Seat, the near-on 300bhp that’s wrapped up in this track-focused...
But then this new 1,461kg Golf is no lightweight. A whole 2kg shaved off a regular DSG GTI. Many gym visits heavier than the 1,405kg Honda. Not that weight matters that much here. Honda will now sell you a 47kg lighter Limited Edition, if you enjoy being without air con and infot...
Volkswagen GTI: The History of an Icon VW says the redline-accented wheels are borrowed from the European GTI Clubsport 45 (the model has been around longer over there), but unfortunately, the Clubsport's engine, which is turned up to 296 horsepower, isn't invited to our birthday bash. ...