2021 VW Golf GTI Clubsport MK8 所谓的Clubsport就是过去说的TCR,GTi的高性能版本,同样的EA888发动机,马力调到了300匹。不同于国内的GTi,国外的GTi有DCC,这款Clubsport版本还有前桥差速器,可以有效改善前...
VW Golf R & GTI mk8 Performance Parts & Tuning The latest. And the best. By RacingLine. RacingLine have been working flat out on Golf mk8 development ever since we got one of the very first GTIs in the world back in 2020. Take a look through our extensive range of Performance...
TheGolf 8 GTI hasn’t even been launched yet, andVWis already working on a hotter version. That’s the kind of keenness we can get on board with. A prototype ‘GTI Clubsport’ - successor to theTCR-has been spotted hammering around the Nurburgring Nordschleife, displaying some distinct vis...
466HP VW Golf GTI Clubsport MK8 is SUPER FAST! on the UNLIMITED AUTOBAHN http://t.cn/A68XE8Mh
楼主 26:46回复0浏览 110 VW Golf R & VW Golf GTI Clubsport
Golf GTI Clubsport所使用的動力系統,依然來自代號EA888的2.0升直列四缸渦輪引擎,不過經過原廠調校後,其最大馬力從原先一般GTI車型的220匹,一舉提升至265 匹的水準!另外更炫的是,Clubsport還有個專屬的熱血功能就是超增壓模式,只要將行車模式切換到Sport,超增壓隨時都會待命,一旦在需要動力時大腳油門,系統就會透過ECU...
去年,Volkswagen為了慶祝Golf GTI車系40周年,以七代Golf GTI為基礎,打造了全新的Golf GTI Clubsport,定位介於Golf GTI與頂級四輪驅動車款Golf R的中間版本。在完成註冊商標手續後,近期也在歐洲正式開放接單,訂定售價為36350歐元。 首先將原用的2.0升直列四缸渦輪增壓引擎從220hp馬力提升到261hp,在超增壓模式下,更...
Despite being less powerful and front-wheel drive, the Clubsport Edition 40 version of the Golf GTI costs only £245 less than the AWD Golf R
VW指Clubsport係一眾GTI車款中比較好玩,有趣。但面對Clubsport既成功,希望VW既工程師搵到方法令最貴既Golf R變得比Clubsport更好玩啦-真係要祝你地好運啦。 261bhp既車仔可以比你短時間提升馬力聽落非常有趣;但係換個角度-286bhp既HotHatch一定時間內就會減少25bhp,聽落就唔多好玩啦。據VW提供,Clubsport係1700rm...
VW has released new information and new photos (including the first interior shots) of the Golf GTI Clubsport, a special edition model which will go into