VW Commercial Vehicles have a wide range of quality vans, pickup trucks and passenger carriers with long heritage. Book a VW commercial vehicle test drive.
VW Commercial Vehicles have a wide range of quality vans, pickup trucks and passenger carriers with long heritage. Book a VW commercial vehicle test drive.
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全新一代VWCV Transporter震撼亮相:方寸之间尽数容纳商用智慧 当汽车科技与商用需求的完美融合,就像是高歌猛进的机车轻骑风云,横扫而过,将商用运输焕发新活力。今日,不妨让我们共同揭开Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWCV) 全新一代Transporter的神秘面纱,看看这款新车如何运筹帷幄,让商用空间焕然一新,呈现出怎样的...
当汽车科技与商用需求的完美融合,就像是高歌猛进的机车轻骑风云,横扫而过,将商用运输焕发新活力。今日,不妨让我们共同揭开Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWCV) 全新一代Transporter的神秘面纱,看看这款新车如何运筹帷幄,让商用空间焕然一新,呈现出怎样的智慧变革。VWCV于欧洲时间 2023 年 12 月 11 日时,揭开了全新...
德国「U-EV」VW ID.Buzz自驾车队开始载客,大步迈向正式营运之路 近日,Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (福斯商旅,VWCV)展开了首次乘客运送服务,乘客主要为政府人员和相关产业人士及记者,目的在于一起了解首次乘客试驾的发展狀況,此意味着 ID.Buzz 自驾车队离正式营运又近了一步。2021年,福斯商旅即携手集团中的共...
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles has launched a new generation of the Caddy with wide-ranging updates. As the first city delivery vehicle and compact MPV in this class, it is equipped with ESP as standard equipment in all versions and has six new four-cylinder TDI and TSI engines with up to ...
VW Commercial Vehicles Volkswagen cuts out the indoor/outdoor cooking flexibility it showed on the California Concept by eliminating the portable stove and open induction cooktop. The high position and one-directional hinged lid on the gas stove impede use from outside the van, so campers will ha...
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles(以下简称 VWCV)福斯商旅在 2016 年 9 月 8 日,于德国 Offenbach 发表了大改款的 2 代 Crafter Van,而今台湾福斯商旅于 2019 年 7 月 18 日在高雄首次展出 2 代 Crafter Van,不过仍表示导入与否仍在评估中,唯一能确认的部分是,倘若导入则车系编成会提供 2 车型设定。